Hello and thank you for this forum. I have the Taproom sweater pattern and have knit it as written before. This time I would like to eliminate the cables and “row” and knit a very plain stockinette throughout. Can I just knit stockinette instead of the cables and rows or do I have to revise the stitches? I like the style of the sweater but wish to have a plain simple weave.
Thanks so much!
Taproot Pattern Revision
Hi and welcome to KH!
One consideration when eliminating cables is that cables pull in the knit fabric more than stockinette. You can compensate for that by comparing swatches with and without cables and figuring out how many sts to decrease in order to get the measurements you want.
Since the cables occur in the yoke (Taproot sweater) you’ll have to work out the pattern decreases for that section of the sweater too. This can all be done but it might be simpler to find a straightforward yoke neck sweater without a stitch pattern.
I’m assuming this sweater:
It seems as thought it would be too much work and almost impossible. The designer said that the only thing to worry about would be the increases and suggested an invisible increase. I have been looking for a similar style pattern to no avail. Thanks for your help!
Have you tried an advanced search on Ravelry? Here are a few that are close to the same gauge.
There are even more with a small amount of decorative work at the neck.
Thank you for those I will keep looking. I was looking at only
free patterns.
I have the vanilla sweater pattern I may use that.
That’s a good one. I’ve been saving it in my Favorites. Let us know how it goes.
I decided not to knit the Vanilla sweater with that yarn as when I swatched the yarn it became clear that it wasn’t going to work for that pattern. The yarn is also very “sticky” and coarse so I will probably make a bag out of it. Thanks for all the help!