Sweater increases

Hello I have a question about a pattern to make a sweater, here’s the pattern: https://knittingwithchopsticks.com/funfetti-chunky-knit-sweater-pattern-free/ I’m stuck on the increase round. It says “[knit each st to 1 st before next marker (yo, k1, slip stitch marker, k1, yo) at marker] around (8 increases total).” I understand everything until the last part that says “at marker” what does that mean? Does that mean there should be a marker there? I’m confused because the previous rows did not mention a marker being there. I hope that makes sense! Thank you.

That last “at marker” is meaningless. Increase before and after the stitch markers for the 8 raglan increases. Maybe it’s an editing mistake but at any rate, you can ignore it.

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Thank you so much that really helped me!

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I agree with salmonmac, it is meaningless.
From the pattern writer’s point of view I believe it is there to mean “do everything inside the bracket” AT MARKER, in the same way that some patterns have a list of instructions inside brackets then after the bracket say 4 TIMES, meaning do everything in the brackets that number of times. In this case the instruction has round brackets because square brackets have already been used. Possibly an over use of brackets.
Whilst it is meaningless I thought I’d post anyway as I like to understand why something is as it is. It may help understand another pattern next time.

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Thank you for your help!!

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Hi sorry to bother you, I also have another question about separating the sleeves from the body of the sweater. Do I knit to marker then place stitches between this marker and the next marker onto a holder then knit to the next marker then place those stitches between that marker and the next marker on a holder? I’m just confused because the pattern says “on the next k to first marker, skip and place on holder sts from this marker to next marker” I’m confused because it doesn’t say knit to marker, it says “skip” then place the stitches on a holder. I hope that makes sense! Thank you!

I have to admit that this pattern seems very awkwardly worded, possibly someone whose first language isn’t English. In place of “skip” most patterns would say, “remove marker.” Alternatively, you could leave one marker at the underarm to mark the side seam of the sweater. This may be helpful when you come to knit the open border ribbing.

So knit to the marker, remove it (or leave as a side seam marker), place the sts from here to the next marker on hold, remove the marker and repeat for the second sleeve.


That’s very helpful thank you so very much!


Sorry I have another question! The pattern says to use yarn overs for the increases but I don’t want decorative holes so how would I go about increasing using m1 instead? I know how to do M1L and M1R but i don’t know to change the pattern from yarn overs to M1. Thank you!

You can directly substitute M1L or M1R into the pattern where it says to place the yarn over. So if the pattern is k5, yo, k2 you would work k5, M1, k2. Or am I missing your question?

Thank you for the response! The only part I’m confused about is which direction the increases lean. In the increase section it says “ [knit each st to 1 st before next marker (yo, k1, slip stitch marker, k1, yo) at marker] around (8 increases total).” How could I change this so that they are M1 increases instead of yarn overs? I don’t know when to use M1L or M1R in this sweater. I hope that makes sense. Thank you!

You’re going to have increases before and after each marker. You can use a M1R before the marker and a M1L after the marker or you can work the reverse. That’s your preference.

It may help you decide to work a small swatch. Work a several rows with one orientation of the increases and then several rows with the opposite orientation to decide which you like best.

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Thank you so much!