Surprise and Congratulations!

While looking for some poetry books at I stumbled on a title that sounded familiar. I saw it on a blog right here at KH. It’s the poetry collection called Melancholia and Other Destinations written by “saracidaltendencies”. She’s finished with all the aggravations and it’s published! :cheering:

Congratulations, Sara. You should have told every one. After all we knew you when you were just Demonica who sent lots of snappy and sassy jokes to the KH Lounge.

Had a really good review too - part of which said, “not about rainbows and ponies”. So, now everybody at KH knows cause I told 'em. Wanna make something of it?
All my best wishes for your success. Jean

Thank you, Jean, for your kind words! :hug:

Congrats, Sara! When you get rich and famous we’ll say, We knew her way back when. Any poems about your critters that drive you crazy? lol

Congratulations, Sara! :yay:

hahaha…No, no poems about the buttheads…LOL!

Sara, I just had to add my congratulations! I’ve read a sampling of your work and you are a truly gifted, talented woman!:yay: You write from the bottom of your heart…the pit of your stomach. A rare talent indeed. All my good wishes go out to you. Jeanie

Thanks so much Jean for telling everyone here. Congratulations and all the very best to you Sara on the publications of the poems.

That is really cool, Sara! Congratulations!