Hi! :waving:
I probably am the last to find out about this cast-off method and you’ve all been using it for years and years…:roflhard:
But on the off-chance that there might be at least one more person out there who doesn’t know this I’m sending the link for Cat Bordhi’s demonstration of this technique.
I’ve always had a problem binding off on toe-up socks, fingerless gloves, leg warmers…anything that requires a really stretchy bind-off. A lot of the time I’d do a crocheted bind off just so that it wouldn’t be too tight and anyone wearing the garment could actually get the sock on their foot or the leg warmers over the knee.
Then I saw this method and have just tried it on a leg warmer!
:woohoo: :woot: It’s pretty incredible!
I hope this is useful to the one or two of you out there who didn’t already know about it!
Happy Knitting,