Summer KAL/CAL - Cotton!

I just posted a message in our Knit Along forum, about starting a Summer Crochet & Knit-Along.
:sun: :grphug: :sun:
If you are interested, come and join us! Just use pretty cotton yarn to make whatever you want. I’m planning on making some coasters and cozies. I might also make a tank top.

Anyone interested?

I’ve decided to crochet some Quick and Easy Coasters, using some cotton in my stash.

Just the thing I’ve been looking for as my four children don’t seem to know what a coaster is nor how to use them.

You don’t happen to know of a place mat pattern to go with do you?[/COLOR]

I’m making lots of dish/wash cloths in color coordinated bundles for in my Etsy shop. I’ve completed two bundles already, and have another half way finished and cotton for another 3 or 4 bundles ready and waiting. Should keep my fingers busy during the hot summer months!

Jack, you could use the same pattern that I’m using for my washcloths to make placemats…I used the woven stitch which I talked about here:

It’s a great stitch for a placemat because it makes a tight and flat fabric so things don’t feel wobbly sitting on them.

Just a thought.


Welcome to the CAL, my friends! :hug:

Today, I’m using the coaster I crocheted yesterday. Love it!

First Coaster by Shandeh, on Flickr

This evening, I decided to make a different quick cotton project. A crocheted baby bib for my church’s nursery. They had a sign on the door this past Sunday, asking for bibs. I’m using Bernat Handicrafter Cotton Twists in the color “Mod”, and a free pattern on the Bernat website called “Handicrafter Cotton - Bibs and Booties”.

Baby Bib 2 by Shandeh, on Flickr

Sandy, I love how the cotton twists yarn turns out! What a fun bib that will be!


It didn’t take long to finish the bib! I left off the picot edging in the pattern, and made some single crochet ties instead of making a buttonhole.

Finished Baby Bib by Shandeh, on Flickr

Nice job Sandy!

I just finished another bundle of cotton wash cloths and posted them in my etsy shop. These are working up pretty quickly and I’ve been able to post a new bundle about once a week!