Suggestions and ideas how to fix my stupid mistake please

I have made this top in black dk stylecraft naturals bamboo and cotton.


I changed the rib section to garter rib and increased the length to kind of crotch height, top of thigh.

Made a stupid mistake, knitted the back, wrote down 56 rows of rib instead of 65, knitted the front, now I have a back longer than the front.

First I thought I’ll leave a little slit unseamed each side and leave the back longer, some tops are designed that way. This isn’t going to work. As the top is fitted an unseamed side just makes the 2 bottom edges flap around in a very unflattering square looking way. I think those slit seam tops are a looser fit design.

Looking for ideas.
I can cut off the extra 9 rows and bind off making it all shorter. I would prefer the longer length of the back all round but the front length is wearable if this is my only solution.

But what else?
Add a band of lace all around? But would that be stretchy enough for the bottom edge? Is there a lace which would look right with this top?
Change yarn and colour and bind off in a different colour? Do a more decorative bind off? What would look good and be stretchy after garter rib?

I’m just thinking if I have to do all this extra work to cut off, change length and bind off, I might as well add a bit of something different while I’m at it.

My preference would be a solution which adds 9 to 11 rows to the short front but without looking crazy and either leave the back in garter rib or cut it and knit the additional length as with the front.


Such a pain to discover the unequal lengths. You might be able to use this technique to cut the front as the transition from garter to stockinette, knit a longer stockinette section then garter stitch. It would be similar to the use of a provisional cast on.
Of course, give it a try with scrap yarn first to make sure it looks the way you’d like before you take a scissors to your knitting. I’ve used the technique to shorten sweaters and sleeves and been happy with the results.

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Thank you for the suggestion. I think I’m trying to avoid this because I would have to re knit such a big section.
It’s the garter rib which I’ve done too short as I increased the length so much.

I’m trying some different swatches of ideas but might just go with shortening the back instead.

Just found the long tail bind off to match the long tail cast on, so I can get my bottom matching now I’ve learned that :slightly_smiling_face:

I used the method to take out the cast on row and another row, took an entire day just to find all the stitches after my life line fell out in the butchery!

I’ve added 2 repeats of a chevron lace and the lengths are perfect, then learned the long tail bind off to match front and back.

Only thing I’m not happy with is the bind off is a bit loose even toughni pulled it quite tight as I worked, it’s made the bottom a bit wavy and curly but I’m going to leave it and hope it flattens with a wash/block. I kind of think it won’t but never mind.

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Very nicely worked. Enjoy wearing your new top!

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