So, I “should” have enough common sense to figure this out for myself… but I wanted to see what my Peeps have to say…
I am making a funky scarf that essentially looks like a ribbed turtle neck with ribbed sleeves. Basically a body-less sweater… the arms can be used to wrap like a scarf or worn on the arms. Anyhooo, the pattern calls for size 7 circs, 12 in. length. So, having searched all over town so as to support my LYS/Craft stores… I found some size 8’s in the proper length. Will I be disappointed? I wonder, is it better to go a size down and knit looser or go up and knit tighter? Kindly the gal at the shop I found them at seemed to think they would work, but gave me a written receipt should I not be happy and choose to return them. Surely she jest! Return a needle? Return and ADDI!!! I would just find a project to use them on…
So, what’s your thoughts folks? :??