I am making the Apron Dress from the book “Vintage Knitting for Modern Babies” and am at a stuck point with the directions for the pocket.
The pattern gives the following instructions for making the pocket:
[COLOR=“DarkOrchid”]CO 15 (17,17,19) sts.
Beg with a knit row, work 12 (18,18,20) rows in St st. SI [COLOR=“Black”](yes that’s definitely an upper case i)[/COLOR] sts onto a stitch holder.
Next row: *K1, p1; rep from * to end.
Rep last row 3 times more. Sl sts onto a stitch holder.
- What does it mean to SI? Is that a typo?
- How, once those stitches are on a stitch holder, does one continue knitting? Am I just not understanding the directions, or is something wrong here?
Any help would be appreciated!