Stuck on pattern

Hi everyone. My name is Debbie and I’m stuck on a pattern. I know how to crochet and it’s really difficult to read and understand as I I’m not that advanced. So much want to be. I’m from the UK and need help on a Sirdar pattern. It’s called Tunic in Sirdar 7076. Hope anyone can help me. I’m stuck on foundation row and 1st row as not sure what to do

Is it this one?

Could you quote just the bit you are stuck on?
I’m not particularly experienced in crochet but have done some, if I can’t answer one of the other crocheters can probably help if we know what you’re stuck on.

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No this one

Foundation row and first row (row 1)

Yes that is the one
Foundation row and row 1. The beginning of it

Yes thats the pattern.
Could you remove the pattern please as its a copyright infringement to post large portions of patterns.
Use the little pencil to edit your post to delete.

Just the text of the row or stitch you are unsure of please.

The foundation row and row 1 please

Is it taken down. Sorry I didn’t know

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If you could copy the foundation row and row 1 into a post here we should be able to help you. Does it start with a chain or foundations stitches is important to know.

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I’m using the 106ch stitches

Welcome to the forum!
In addition maybe we can include @OffJumpsJack @felicityjg and @okckwilter on this question.

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Thank you so much Salmonmac appreciate it

Hi Debbie. Welcome. I am also in the UK. Is there a specific part or parts of the 2 rows that you don’t understand- or are you finding it all complicated? Do you understand the foundation row?


Thanks for editing the pattern out.

I think your pattern uses UK terms.
When looking for tutorials I suggest adding “UK” to your search or you will be confused by the US demonstrations of stitches with the same name but which are a different size.
Here’s a tutorial which shows how to make a slip knot, a chain and the UK treble crochet

And this may be useful, UK terms compared to US and links to UK term tutorials

For your size
Chain 106, I suggest a larger hook for the chain or it may be hard to work into. You can try out whatever hook size you have for a practice first.

Foundation. Count 3 chains from the hook, treble crochet into that chain and then into every chain to the end.
Row 1. Chain 3. Then skip the first treble and work into the next one along. The instruction in (round) brackets is all followed the number of times given in [square] brackets. For your size it is to work a tr into the top of the tr then chain 1, then miss the next tr. And you do that 10 times.
The next part of the row is bookended with asterisk indicating that you do it all from * to * then repeat from the first * until you have only 11 tr left. Within this repeated work there are some more brackets and for these you will do all that is in the bracket the number of times it says on the outside of the bracket.
After the * you have 11 tr left to work. Do the instruction within the brackets 5 times and finally work a tr into the last tr. Turn.

I hope this helps
Let us know how you get on.


First, this pattern is in UK terms. A UK tc is the same as a US dc which matters if you watch a video or read a pattern using US terminology. As long as you’re not doing a US tc that’s all that matters now. After you do your chain to start you’ll work tc stitches across the the chain. The first tc is worked in the 3rd chain from the hook and the chains you skip should count as your first tc. This video probably is more basic than you need but she does show what you need to do. You of course will have a much longer chain. HTH

I was happy to see that the UK video at the top of my search was well done. She has others that you might want to check out. Good for you for getting started using patterns. Many people say they can’t use patterns because they don’t know how to read and use them. By learning early you’re already ahead!


Hi Felicity, thank you. It’s both rows I find confusing and not sure.

Thank you so much appreciate all your help

Thank you so much grumpygramma :pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Did the video help you? I might have totally misunderstood what you need.

If you’d like to private message me your number I would be happy to have a FaceTime or WhatsApp video call and demonstrate what you need to be doing. You might find that easier than my writing a long description. But if you would rather a written description, will do so later today.