I just bought my knitting tools/yarn yesterday including a book by Leisure Arts entitled Baby Booties
I am currently working on the instep and sides
I completed my sole and just finished Row 7 of instep and sides and Row 8 seems to be the hardest to follow (it is also the last row for this step). I’m beginning Row 8 with 36 sts as indicated from Row 7 instruction
Here is the the Row 8 instruction:
[B]Row 8: k 10, slip 10 sts just worked onto st holder, bind off next 6 sts, K3, slip 4 sts just worked onto second st holder, bind off next 6 sts, knit accross: 10 sts[/B]
This is what I did:
- I knitted 10 sts and slip those 10 knitted stitches that I just worked on to a stitch holder.
- then bind off the next 6 stitches (which would end up as 3)
- Knit 3
- Slip the last bind off + K3 st to the second stitch holder
- bind off 6 and so on…
The part I don’t understand is how I’m not ending up with 10 stiches at the end of my knitting.
Please help… where did I do wrong…