Stuck in a stitch row on making instep and sides for a baby booty. Please translate

I just bought my knitting tools/yarn yesterday including a book by Leisure Arts entitled Baby Booties

I am currently working on the instep and sides

I completed my sole and just finished Row 7 of instep and sides and Row 8 seems to be the hardest to follow (it is also the last row for this step). I’m beginning Row 8 with 36 sts as indicated from Row 7 instruction

Here is the the Row 8 instruction:

[B]Row 8: k 10, slip 10 sts just worked onto st holder, bind off next 6 sts, K3, slip 4 sts just worked onto second st holder, bind off next 6 sts, knit accross: 10 sts[/B]

This is what I did:

  • I knitted 10 sts and slip those 10 knitted stitches that I just worked on to a stitch holder.
  • then bind off the next 6 stitches (which would end up as 3)
  • Knit 3
  • Slip the last bind off + K3 st to the second stitch holder
  • bind off 6 and so on…

The part I don’t understand is how I’m not ending up with 10 stiches at the end of my knitting.

Please help… where did I do wrong…

This is what I did:

  • I knitted 10 sts and slip those 10 knitted stitches that I just worked on to a stitch holder. GOOD
  • then bind off the next 6 stitches (which would end up as 3) NOPE
  • Knit 3 GOOD
  • Slip the last bind off + K3 st to the second stitch holder GOOD
  • bind off 6 and so on…

I’m not ending up with 10 stiches at the end of my knitting.
Please help… where did I do wrong…

*I’m not sure how if you BO 6 stitches that ends up as 3. To BO 6 you will need to knit 7 in total, 6 will be bound off and 1 will be left.
k1st, k2nd, BO1st, k3rd, BO2nd, k4th, BO3rd, k5th, BO4th, k6th, BO5th, k7th, BO6th - 1 (k7th)left.

i was repeating the steps of a basic bind off

k1, k2 then bind off. I repeated that 3x.

Thank you, now I’m back on track

One more thing

If it says bind off all sts loosely in knit, should I be doing the same as the instruction you’ve given me?

Yes, the instructions were for binding off in knit, where you knit the stitches as you BO. Loosely means don’t pull the yarn tight when you do knit them or pass them over the other.