Stuck and frustrated- Fingerless Gloves Help

I’m not even sure I’m doing this whole thing right. I’ve started the cabled moss stitch fingerless gloves pattern that comes on the ballband of Caron Simply Soft (, and I’ve run into a snag. I don’t know what any of this means!

Establish Pattern: (RS) Work Row 1 of Cable/Moss st across 22 sts, pm; change to St st, work to end. Continue as established, work Rows 2 – 6 of Cable/Moss st once, then repeat Rows 3 – 6, and keep remaining sts in St st; work even until piece measures 10" from beginning, end with a RS row.

“Work Even”… does that mean I repeat cable/moss stitch jazz that I just did, or what?

I’m sure I’ll have lots more questions on this one; it’s the first cables project I’ve ever done and it’s in a dark yarn (stupid stupid stupid… maybe I’ll switch to the light color I have bopping around my stash before I get any farther).

Yes, ‘work even’ means work in the stitch pattern without any increases or decreases if there were any.

Dari, did you get going on your mitts?

The pattern reads:

Establish Pattern: (RS) Work Row 1 of Cable/Moss st across 22 sts, pm; change to St st, work to end. Continue as established, work Rows 2 – 6 of Cable/Moss st once, then repeat Rows 3 – 6, and keep remaining sts in St st; work even until piece measures 10" from beginning, end with a RS row.

You have CO and worked your 10 rows of ribbing over 44 sts. The chart shows the 22 sts for the back of the hand/arm and you keep the other 22 sts in stockinette (St st). So you begin by working the first row of the chart (read all odd numbered rows right to left) and knit the rest of the row.

Row 2: Purl across the first 22 sts, then since charts show the piece you are knitting from the right side, do the opposite of the stitch shown when you work back over row 2 of the chart, (it mentions that on the chart key) and work it reading the chart left to right.

On row 3 you follow the chart for the 1st 22 sts doing your first cable crosssing, then knit the other 22.

You keep working like that for the whole 10 inches with no increases or decreases, doing the appropriate row of the chart each time. After you do the rows 1 and 2 that first time you don’t repeat them, just keep repeating rows 3-6 for the pattern thereafter.

Thank you, that helped tons :slight_smile: I got it figured out, and switched to the pretty tan yarn I have, and I’m really quite pleased with the way it’s working out. I wish it was in the round, but… :shrug:

I’m glad it’s working well. I agree with you, I’d rather work mitts in the round.

Okay, I’ve gotten stuck again. I’m here:

Establish Thumb Gusset: (RS) Work across to marker; [k1-f/b] twice; pm, work to end in St st—42 sts; 4 sts in St st for Thumb Gusset between markers.

(WS) * Work 1 row even.

(RS) Work across to marker; k1-f/b in st after marker, knit across to last 2 sts before second marker, k1-f/b, k1; work to end—6 sts between Thumb Gusset markers.

Repeat from * 4 times, end with a RS row—14 sts between markers.

I don’t understand what the k1-f/b entails. I know what it means, but the application of it is what confuses me.

I’m also confused about the rest of it, but I think one confused thing at a time would be better :wink:

k1-f/b – knit one front and back is an increase stitch. You knit into the from of a stitch and then without removing the stitch from the needle, knit into the back. Then you have 2 stitches knit into one stitch and can slip them both off your needle onto the right hand needle.

You are going to be making a thumb gusset which is a little upside down pyramid or triangle that will start with these 4 stitches and end up with 14 stitches in it. This gusset will become the thumb.

I noticed that it says to work to the marker. In the notes part at the top of the pattern, it said in one section called HELPFUL that you might like to place a marker on each side of the cable on the back of the hand (I don’t think I would, it is easy to see) and you might like one where you change from the chart to the St st, that is a very easy to see transition, but that is the marker they are talking about here.

You want to work across the back of the hand and as it is written you are to put the first kfb of the gusset in that first st in the St st part. If you have a marker there (or not and just remember that the first St st is the beginning of the gusset), slip the marker and K1fb in the first St st, then do that again in the following stitch, slide a marker onto the RH needle. You have 4 stitches (the gusset) between markers (or the beg of the St st and the marker). Finish knitting the row.

Then you purl back across all the stitches.

Next row says:

(RS) Work across to marker; k1-f/b in st after marker, knit across to last 2 sts before second marker, k1-f/b, k1; work to end—6 sts between Thumb Gusset markers.
So work to the beginning of the St st and slip the marker if you placed one there, then K1fb in the next stitch, knit until you have 2 sts before the marker at the far side of the gusset and K1fb in that stitch, k1, slip the marker. Knit across the row. (6 sts in gusset).

You keep repeating that gusset increase row and the even purl row until you have 14 sts between the markers and the last of the row.

On the other mitt you will work the back of the hand and then knit across the St st palm part until you have two stitches left to work the gusset part in. Then you would place a marker on the RH needle and do the Kfb in the last 2 sts. You won’t really have a marker at the far end. On subsequent rows you would work until you have 14 sts between that gusset marker and the end of the row.

Ok, I got that done and it looks just fine. So now I’ve done the rows for the thumb, and it says to bind off in rib and fasten off yarn. Does this mean I need to cut it and weave it in? Or do I just finish off the bind-off row and continue knitting with the rest of the pattern, without cutting the yarn? (Here’s the rest of the pattern, in case I’m not being clear)

Thumb: (WS) Work across to marker, place sts of St st panel on holder; work 14 sts of Thumb Gusset, turn; leave remaining 22 sts unworked (place on holder, if desired).

(RS) Working on 14 sts of Thumb only, work even for 4 rows in St st. Change to 1 x 1 rib; work even for 4 rows. Bind off all Thumb sts loosely in rib. Fasten off yarn.

Hand: With WS facing, using smaller needles, place St st panel from holder on needle; cast on 2 sts (under Thumb Gusset); work across 22 sts of Cable/Moss panel.

(RS) Continue in Pattern as established; work even for 4 rows, end with a WS row.

(RS) Change to 1 x 1 rib; work even for 4 rows.

Bind off all sts loosely in rib.

I’m sorry if I have too many questions… This is my first time doing cabling, so it’s a bunch confusing O_o

Does this mean I need to cut it and weave it in? Or do I just finish off the bind-off row and continue knitting with the rest of the pattern, without cutting the yarn?

I don’t think you need to weave the tail in, but cut the yarn and do what you do to the last stitch of your bind off to keep it from unraveling.

You will be knitting in a different place after finishing the thumb, so you won’t be continuing with the yarn there. You will be rejoining it to start the next part.

Thank you so much for all your help, Marigold :slight_smile: I’m sorry I have so many questions, I know I must seem pretty obnoxious… But it’s all so new, and I get pretty confused ha.

I have a picture, I’ll post where I am soon :slight_smile:

I like helping growing knitters. It’s fun. I’m looking forward to seeing your progress.