Struggling with sleeve knitting pattern can somebody help please

Hi all I have managed to knit the body perfect however have unstitched the sleeves 3 times now, I get as far as finishing the 6th row, and have tried to increase as the pattern says ( I’m working in the 3rd size).

As soon as I increase the stitches I’m loosing my pattern and not sure why can anyone help me understand I’ve only knitted straight forward sleeves before so this is pushing me out of my limits any help appreciated :smiley:

Welcome to the forum!
It may help to use markers on either side of the 8 stitch pattern marked off by asterisks. The sts on either side will increase as you work through the rows but the 8 stitch pattern will always be there. The increases in this pattern all occur in the stockinette sides of the sleeve so you don’t have to worry about working them into that 8 stitch area.
Once you’ve worked through rows 1-6 the first time the increase in row 3 will bring your stitch number to 36sts. Then repeat the pattern rows and increase on rows 5 (this corresponds to pattern row 5 in the instructions) and 13 (this is a pattern row 1) to bring the stitch number to 40sts. (Don’t repeat the increase on pattern row 3 as you repeat the pattern rows.)

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Thank you so much, I was sat trying to figure it out last night and thought Stitch markers ! I’ve not knitted in a long while so it really threw me but you’ve really helped me thankyou so much.


It’s wonderful when an old friend like stitch markers leaps to mind. Have fun finishing up and post a photo when you finish. We love to see finished projects!

100 percent, I only joined this forum last night and have never used one before thank you so much for your help and quick response, the next new thing for me is picking up stitches to form a collar once I’ve done the sleeves I havnt done this before so vould get interesting but cannot wait to see finished piece I will deffo share thankyou :grinning:


Picking up sts works out amazingly well. They don’t have to be precisely spaced but it does help to divide the area with a couple of stitch markers to keep on track.

Finished it’s by no means perfect but I don’t think it’s bad for my first ever cardigan thank you so much for your help :blush:

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A great success!
You must be so pleased either this, and someone is going to be super cute wearing it!

It’s adorable, lace pattern on the body, collar and sleeves is a lovely touch! And it will look even cuter on some lucky baby. Congrats on your first ever cardigan and many thanks for the photos.