Strong dens stitch

Hi guys,

I want to knit a small, basic shape bag. I want to use a stich that’s strong and firm because I won’t be sawing any lining on the inside.

There was once (years ago) a scarf pattern here that I saw which had a small dens criss-cross patern. Can’t remember the name. Something strange like “not so very scarf”.

Thanks for your help. :hugs:



I dont know what its called but Ive always admired this stitch.


Hi, Tamar,

One stitch that might work is the knitted linen stitch. For the item you have in mind, you may want to use a smaller size needle than you normally would with the yarn you have chosen. This will help make the fabric stiffer. Here is a scarf made with linen stitch: This scarf is made with lots of colors, but linen stitch looks good also in solid colors or in varigated yarns too.

Have fun,
Sr. Dorothy


That is a gorgeous stitch. When you figure it out, please post it. (It is not a linen stitch, which I also love) and I looked online (yes, I went down that rabbit hole!).

Thanks everyone,
I found what I was looking for!

This pattern sure is dens and quite stiff, perfect for a little bag.