Straps for felted bags

I have finally finished a felted bag I have been making for my sister for her birthday. I’m having problems sourcing a strap though to finish it off. Any ideas where I can get one? I’m in the UK. And what would look good? I would love to see photos of bags you have made!iu


Ooh lovely bag! It’s beautiful!

I don’t know much about bag making so just posting a link to a shop which sells bag handles, bag straps and D rings.

I’d go for a strong strap on a brass D ring but it would be lovely if the strap was felt covered in the yellow/gold striped felt.

I don’t know if you have put a closure on already. The shop also sells magnetic closures.

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If you can’t find any that are affordable, you could buy a bag at a second-hand shop and use the strap from it. Many products that are sold second-hand look new.