Stitch unaccounted for?

Am I not seeing something…

Before the marker…

In row 3 - K,K,K, YO, SSK - Makes 5 stitches

but on row 5 it’s - K,K,K,K,YO - There’s only 4 stitches (+ a yo)

So there’s 1 stitch unaccounted for?

One of my knitty friends figured it out. You have to involve the extra stitch in the pattern repeat bit, so moving the marker.

It’s a bit annoying as I think it should have a note on that chart but hey ho.

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Glad you worked it out.

It’s good because I had messaged the designer before my friend worked it out. The designer said it had been missed in the tech and test, but she is going to add a note in the pattern. So no future knitters will get stumped either :+1:

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