Stitch count off

Well I was cruising along with sleeves until I counted and off a stitch. I had just finished last increase row and then counted. I think it happened with previous increase row, 8 rows prior. I looked and couldn’t figure what the issue was. There was one area near prior increase where tiny hole. Also at the same time of previous inc there was apparently a break in the yarn but when they tied together they got off on the self striping so now both sleeves wouldn’t match. So I cut and got it back so both sides will match as I progress. Anyway I tried to ladder down and see if I had missed a stitch at the previous inc but it looked and felt worse. So I undid that and tried to even out stitches again. Looks ok, so next knit row I just did another increase. So now I have the correct number of stitches. Will this affect anything?Since all this will be near seaming I don’t feel whatever mistake it was, it won’t be noticeable. Of course I’ll know and my obsessive tendency about everything being perfect is an issue, I’ll just have to get over it.

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You went above and beyond to track down that stitch. As long as you’re not running into a problem with a pattern stitch, it won’t be noticeable. You and of course all of us, will be the only ones who’ll know. Have fun finishing up!