Still wrestling with

… this sock pattern.

[I]“Work in pattern as set until work measures appox. 3 inches less than length of foot. Proceed to gusset”[/I]

Top of foot or bottom? Where does the gusset begin?

Thanks again for your help.

I’m not an expert sock knitter but I would say bottom. I always interpreted it as 3 inches less than your foot to the back of your heel.

I found this picture that seems to illustrate where the gusset starts pretty well. I picture my gussets starting just about at my ankle bone.

Hope this helps!

Hiya gina,
It should tell you in the next set of directions, the gusset part, how to redistribute your stitches and how to proceed with the heel gusset.

Do you have a link to the pattern? or a picture?

thats really cool zkimom! thanks! i just finished off my 1st pair and im still having som issues with semetry for the gusset. thanks again!

I’m doing the plain version of
It has a reversed round heel shaping so I don’t think I can refer to other patterns for clarification.

Thanks again for your help.

K I just went and took a peek at the pattern you are doing.
The gusset is worked on needles 3 and 4, you just knit plain across needles one and two. When you get to the turn you are going to ignore needles one and two til they say otherwise.
You have your stitches on the needles the way she says to have them? K, so then needles 1 and 2 are your instep needles and 3 and 4 are the heel and gusset needles.
Work across needles 1 and 2 and at the beginning of needle 3, k1, m1 and work to end of needle three, on needle 4, work to last st of needle and then m1, and k1.
Next round you knit around evenly with no increasing or decreasing.
you do that for the amount of times it says and then you start the turn.

Thanks. I do think I understand that part okay. I was just wondering when to begin it. I chose to do 3 inches from the end of the foot on the bottom as zkimom suggested. Seems to be working out fine.

Thanks everyone.