Staying in pattern for sleeve increase

Hi there,
I am having trouble understanding how to stay in a pattern that repeats after 16 rows, while increasing for the sleeves.
I have just finished the first 16 rows and am at the
" work a further 2 rows even in pat"
After 16 rows, Ive increased 4 stitches, how do I figure out what to do with these extras. Work in purl stitch as that is where the extra stitches were added or add part of the pattern?

Please help


Just below the part that says to work 2 rows even there is a section about increases for the sleeve, and here it says to take the increases into the reverse stocking stitch pattern. So, yes, the increased stitches are purled on the right side, knit on the wrong side. It appears you will not add any new cables, just reverse stocking stitch.

What pattern are you making?

Hi , yes I figured this as well after talking with my mother. The stocking stitch must go into the underarm.
I’m making a cardigan from an older 2000 Patons Aran knit book

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Good to hear you’re back on track.