Starting my very first adult crochet afghan!

im super excited to get off work today!!! i just got a big box of yarn from and am anxious to get crocheting on 2 afghans that will be for xmas gifts!!! this will be my first crochet afghan {(except for basic granny square baby blankets.).

hopefully they turn out good!! i will be sure and post pics when i get them done!

Getting new yarn (even someone else’s old yarn) is tons of fun! I share your excitement and wish I could just look at it with you (some people might think this is crazy, but we’re thinking about, "Oh, the possibilities)! :woohoo:

I wish you happy crocheting as you tackle your two “adult” blankets. If you get stuck and need some help, be sure to let us know.

And please do post some pictures when you’re done. I think everyone here LOVES to look at finished projects as much as I do. They’re such an inspiration.

What patterns are you doing? Enjoy!

Both are free patterns from

Very nice. They’ll make lovely gifts.