Sotabosc Shawl help

Hello, I am knitting the Sotabosc Shawl. I am at the end of Row 2 of the ribbing chart written instructions and I do not have enough stitches to finish the row. I end with the second K5 and only have a total of 4 stitches left to knit them with. I still have to knit [ptbl, k2] twice*, k3, sm, sl3, wyif. What am I doing wrong, please?

Regards, Kre8tivity

Welcome to KnittingHelp!
Ravelry: Sotabosc pattern by Elena Solier JansĂ 

Are you using markers between repeats? They’re such a great aide in figuring out where sts are added or missed. When I don’t have the correct number of sts on the needle, I go back over the row, naming each stitch, the ptbl, the k2 and so on until I find the error.
Can you go back over the directions and make sure you haven’t missed anything and then check the row 2sts. It’s a bit tedious but worth it in the end. And of course, markers help.
There don’t seem to be any pattern errors noted on the Ravelry projects pages.

If you want, you can quote the entire row 2 instructions and tell us the number of sts you have on the needle before the row starts. Don’t give us much more than row 2 please due to designer copyright.


Thank you for your advice. Yes, I am using markers, but your tip on staying calm and recounting the stitches carefully and comparing them to the pattern was invaluable. Calm.

It seems that the stitch count may be off in this end section:

Row 1 begins with 19 stitches before the first marker.
Row 2 ends with 27 stitches after the last marker.
Row 3 begins with 19 stitches before the first marker.

Row 1 (front) begins with: p3, asterisk [p2, ktbl] twice, p4, 1/1 LPT, 1/1 RPT, p2 asterisk
Row 2 (back) ends with: asterisk [k2, ptbl], twice, k5, [ptbl] twice, k5, [ptbl, k2] twice asterisk, k3
Row 3 (front) begins with: p3, asterisk [p2, ktbl] twice, p5, 1/1 LTT, p3 asterisk

Hmm, do the asterisks mark off a repeat?

The sequence you quoted for row 1 requires 19sts
Row 2, 24sts between the asterisks plus 3 at the end after the second asterisk
Row 3, 16sts between the asteriskh plus 3 at the beginning before the first asterisk.

After the second k5 in row 2 you need (ptbl, k2) x2 * k3 or 9sts?

Are the asterisks marking off a repeat or are they your marker?

The sequence as you have written it is correct.

The asterisks are marking off a repeat.

Yes, after the second K5 in Row 2, 9 stitches are needed.

Are there any increases as you knit the first row? The project photos look like the scarf is knit starting on at the point on one side,

Hi, There is one increase, a yarnover, at the end of every right-side row. The shawl is a long triangular shape with one end pointed and the other end wider and wider.

On ravelry it is tagged with “chart”, are you looking at the chart when working the pattern or written instructions only? I ask as it may be easier to see how these repeats align if you look on the chart, and how the YO increases work with the pattern repeat.

I may be wrong but I suspect in this that the pattern repeat does not align nicely with markers but rather some rows will work with markers and some are written where the repeat crosses over a marker.
I wrote out a few lines to see how things might match up and it looks like the twisted stitch shifts across a stitch which would make sense for the diagonal travel of these diamond shapes. The thing is I wasn’t totally sure where your YO was, is it at the end of row 1? Did you put the YO in at the end of the row?
It would be helpful to know all of rows 1 and 2 to be able to chart it and see how they align.

Have you tried calling out the names of the stitches for row 2 whilst looking at what is on the needle (and pointing to each stitch) after completing row 1? Maybe just try it and see if it makes any sense even though it crosses the markers.

Hi, Thank you for the reply.

I will answer your other questions when I am off work, but there is one increase, a yarnover, at the end of every right-side row. The shawl is a long triangular shape with one end pointed and the other end wider and wider.

Thanks again, Creations. I will come back to you asap.


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There’s no hurry - your questions aren’t on a time limit here.

Dear all,

Thanks for responding to my request for assistance with the Sotabosc Shawl. The designer wrote me to inform me that there was an errata in two of the rows in question.

I appreciate your generosity in trying to help.

Kind regards

I’m glad to hear the designer got back to you. Where is the errata available online? I couldn’t see any on ravelry.

That’s very helpful. I love designers who respond promptly to questions.
Does that clear up the question that you had about stitch count?