Sore Hands

I have decided to finish all my wips by the end of this year, I have several projects on the go. But today, I knit one row… My hands hurt- I don’t know why. I am one year out from having carpal tunnel surgery on both hands but apparently it is a surgery you can only have once. I want to be careful not to reinjure myself by knitting too much. It makes me sad…

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It’s always difficult not to be able to knit and I’m very sympathetic. Try resting your hands, maybe add some stengthening exercises or stretches as allowed after your surgery. Then go back and try a row or two. See if the pause between knitting rows helps and perhaps you’ll be able to extend the time devoted to knitting. I hope so.

Thanks! On the flip side, my husband is awesome! I have tried and tried to no avail to seam one of my projects and it has looked bad- so I got my husband to do it and it is beautiful- I will post soon my finished project. Only 6 more to go- exaggeration but I really do have a lot of wips.

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Above and beyond. Your husband is a gem!

I have had trigger finger,carpal tunnel surgery. When my hands start “tingling” I stop and rest them A while,if I don’t stop They go dead. Right hand surgery didn’t work. Left helped. Sounds crazy but I use Absorbine veterinary ointment for horses. Also A hot wax dip for hands really helps. I pray your hands get better soon. Also on the helping list is vitamin B-6 pyridoxine helps with the nerves. Happy stitching.

Ads for the Valari gaming pillow, which was always on back order when I looked, suggested it’s also good for crocheting/knitting. It reminded me of the Boppy nursing pillow I no longer have, but I found a free tutorial for a nursing pillow and made one that works really well for knitting. My friend who works as an occupational therapist and Is helping me avoid carpal tunnel surgery thought it was a great idea.

Unfortunately, that tutorial is no longer available, but this is similar:

Using the filling from an inexpensive bed pillow I bought at Walmart worked well for stuffing it.