
I really despise using DPN for socks. I prefer 2 circs. Heck, I’d even do ML if I could. I have a ton of patterns for socks…all with DPN. Can any DPN pattern be converted to using 2 circs or ML? I would think it would be easy until you get to the heel.

Absolutely yes! I put the top of the foot one one circ adn the bottom of the sock on the 2nd.

I use ML method for all socks. Yes, yes, yes!

With DPNs the heel flap and the turning of the heel are both worked on only one needle, so it won’t be a problem working those patterns with two circs or with the magic loop method. Good luck, and have fun with your sock patterns!

Sure! If you’ve done socks before you shouldn’t have any trouble at all. Heck even if you’re a beginner it won’t be a problem. :thumbsup:

YES–one way

get (make or buy) some stitch markers (the kind that hang in a stitch, not on the needle) with numbers (baby braclet beads come in numbers, too)

then on the needle divide the stitches with simple markers
on the knitting hang the number markers…
#1 is first needle(stitches) after Beginning of Round, #2 is usually instep, (and sometimes #3 is too) and then the last bunch of stitches before BOR (#4)

now, you have the stitches on 2 circ, but the stitch markers remind you where Needle 1 is, where Needle 2 is… etc, and you can just follow the directions!

the # markers get moved up (closer to needles) as you work…

after a few socks, you won’t need them!

Excellent idea! Thank you!

DITTO. In fact I’ve never made a pair of socks on ML where the pattern was written especially for ML. Don’t think I’ve ever seen one.