Hi, I hope someone can help me. I’m trying to follow a pattern called Basic Sock Pattern by Mary Beth Temple. On the heel flap Row 3 it says *Sl 1, K1. Rep from * across. I have tried twice and it’s not right. On a video on Youtube the results are neat, nothing like mine! What am I doing wrong? I tried slipping the stitch Purlwise after looking at Youtube (the pattern doesn’t say to slip Purlwise) but the slipped stitches are pulling badly. Thanks.
It looks like a very nice pattern with good support from the designer.
Are you purling across the wrong side of the heel? On the wrong side only the first stitch is slipped.
Row 1: K12 from Needle 1, turn work.
Row 2: Sl 1, p23. Turn work.
The stitches are alternately slipped on the right side of the heel, not the right side and wrong side. If that’s not the problem, let us know and we can look further. Love the striped yarn!
Thank you for your help, do I slip every other stitch on Row 3 slip 1, k1 across the row? I did this and after repeating the two rows 3 and 4 11 times the slipped stitches are snagging, as in my photo.
When you repeat rows 3 and 4, slip sts on row 3 only. For row 4, slip just the first stitch, then purl across the row (p23).
Row 3: *Sl 1, k1. Rep from * across.
Row 4: Sl 1, p 23.
I did that, slipped every other stitch on row 3. When I went into the pattern you attached, there was a tip ‘make sure the yarn is on the wrong side of the work when slipping stitches’, this is not on my printed one. So on row 3 (right side) how do I make sure the yarn is on the wrong side? Thank you
The yarn is always on the wrong side for these odd number rows. When you work the knit stitch, the yarn is on the back or wrong side. When you slip, the yarn is to the back or wrong side.
Just be sure to purl across the 23sts of the even number rows and you won’t have the puckering of slipped sts on the heel.
I have done this, yarn at the back, as is usual on a knit row. On YouTube it shows slipped stitches purl wise on the knit row. Is this correct? I purled row 4, slipping 1st stitch. Thank you.
I just edited my post to include a video with a slip stitch heel. Yes, slip the stitches purlwise.
Here’s a better video from the fabulous Liat Gat which shows the wrong side rows.
Thank you, I’ll have another go, I appreciate your help.
Hello it dawned on me what I’m probably doing wrong. I think I should be working these two rows, only on that piece? The pattern (my printed one) doesn’t say ‘turn’. Therefore, I’ve been knitting around. It came to me whilst I was in bed and racking my brain!
That’s correct. Only work the k1, sl 1 pattern over the 24 sts of the heel flap.
Here’s a video with a different heel flap but it shows you some of the sock anatomy.
Thank you, I appreciate your help. I’ll post a photo when it’s done