I just started this new sock pattern tonight (I’ve only knit one other very basic one before) but the directions for the heel are stumping me. I hope I’m not crazy. I’m following Bernat’s Basic Socks pattern (s3.amazonaws.com/spinrite/pdf/WEB-BERNAT-SOX-K-BasicSocks-ENG.pdf) and for setting up the heel stitches it says:
Arrange heel sts: 1st needle: K10. Slip
next 5 sts onto beg of 2nd needle.
2nd needle: Knit.
3rd needle: Slip first 5 sts onto end of 2nd
needle. K15. Divide 30 sts of 2nd needle
onto 2 needles and leave for instep.
Simple enough at first glance. But we start with 60 stitches divided 20-20-20 across 3 needles and following these directions I feel like I’d be missing 10 stitches somewhere? The pattern is also not clear on what needle we’ll be developing the heel from or how many we should have left after this step. Please help!!