Soap Bag or Soap Sack

I am knitting soap bags for family and charity.


Welcome to KnittingHelp!
These are lovely gifts and a very useful charity knit. You can use all kinds of stitch patterns and use up leftover yarn in making them. Thank you for your thoughtful gifts and donations


I’d love to see some pictures if you have any, people can get really creative with soap covers :grin:


What sort of yarn is needed for soap bags? Cotton?

It’s good of you to knit for charity.
I’d love to see pic too.

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I am using 5mm bamboo needles. The yarn should be 100% cotton. I only have Madame Cotton Yarn which is actually only 49% cotton and 51% acrylic. My daughter ordered for me 100% cotton yarn. Hopefully I will post pictures of finished bags in the near future.

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When I finish several bags hopefully I will post pictures. The Honeycomb Slip Stitch is a very pretty pattern(from Mary Thomas’s Book of Knitting Patterns).

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