So many stitches..

So I’m knitting a sweater and am working on the back piece. As you can see in the picture, to the left there are stitches put on hold for the the one shoulder, in the center there are 16 stitches on hold from the right side and on the right there are stitches I casted off. The pattern said to cast off these stitches at the end of the row. Now I am to cast on 7 stitches, and then work the rest of the stitches on hold. I have no clue how I am suppose to cast on seven stitches when I’ve casted off and how to join the other stitches without creating a huge gap… also not sure if I’m suppose to work the seven stitches for the 22 times first than work the rest of the stitches or is the pattern for all of the stitches? I hope what I’m wondering isn’t too confusing. :joy:

Your knitting looks lovely. What is the name of your pattern and the designer name?

Thank you. This is a vintage pattern from the 1940s by P&B Wools.

Does it have a pattern number? There seem to be so many P & B patterns just on Ravelry alone. I was hoping to see a photo of the finished sweater. Does the pattern have a number maybe in the upper right?

You should have 31sts on the left hand needle before the turn. Once you turn (k1,p1) 8x (that’s 16sts in k1p1) then cast off 31sts (one stitch will remain on the right hand needle). The remaining 16sts are placed on hold.
Now cast on 7sts and continue knitting with the rib on the other side of the gap and the following instructions (44sts in p1k1, p1, k2tog, k1). In total you’ll have 54sts when you finish this row. There will be a huge hole but that is the way the pattern reads. Is this possibly the neck?

If you need a video for casting on at the end of a row, here are 2 slightly different ways to do so:

See especially after 2:10 min in the following:

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