So I don't lose my mind

I started this last night. Freddie Krueger style sweater.

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Looking good so far! Are you going to wear it with long fake nails? Lol! Love the black and grey together.

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Very nice and even knitting!

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Thanks! No, my nails are long enough!

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Thanks! I keep count of the rows and I am just taking my time on this one.

help on sleeves.

My arms are quite small/thin and I am having trouble figuring out how many stitches I would need or when to increase. My wrists are about 8 inches around, around my elbow is about 14 and my bicep is about 16.

Finished product.


Very nicely done! Enjoy wearing the sweater.

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I would, but it makes me look so fat! tears

This is kind of a late reply, so I hope you see it, The_Lone_Wanderer. I love Sonya Philip and her attitude toward the clothing she makes and wears. May she inspire you too to β€˜wear what you make.’ :slight_smile:


Thank you! I will look into it!

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Looks lovely and cosy. Good idea to have grey and black - or is that a darker grey? Black can be so difficult to knit with on its own.

I hope you do wear it and feel good in it.
