Slipping stitches

Okay, I know this is a REALLY basic question, but I’m a beginning knitter. I have been crocheting for years, and can do just about everything crochet, but I am having a devil of a time not having my stitches drop off the end of the needle before I’ve pulled the yarn through. Is there some trick I’m missing?!

I was thinking about using afghan crochet hooks as a transition device, but I’m not sure that would work well. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Keep the sts a little further back from the tip and don’t pull the needles apart.

Thanks, but then how do I not get stretched out stitches?

I’m a crocheter of long experience and a new knitter like you. I learned to knit in May 2011.

It sounds like you’re using metal needles; are you? If so, use a pair of bamboo needles or other inexpensive non-metal (i.e., non-slick) needles until you’re more comfortable moving the stitches from the left needle to the right when they’re supposed to move. Even plastic needles might slow those slippery devils down!

It’s really something, making the change from the hook–where stitches stay put until YOU move them–to the needles–where they slither this way and that for the hapless beginner.


Thanks. Someone else said bamboo needles were their favorite, for that same reason. So you recommend against the afghan needle idea?

The afghan needle is cumbersome in addition to knitting needles and it is going to become tiresome in the long run as well. This is really a problem that will disappear with practice. The bamboo needles are going to help you keep the sts on the needles, too.

Re. the afghan/Tunisian needles: if you get those into your hands, I’ll probably steer you to someone like the Stitch Diva, who will show you (in her video tutorials) how to do…oh…Tunisian crochet! :smiley:

But seriously, no, I think bamboo knitting needles will take care of almost the entire situation for you.


[COLOR=“Magenta”][SIZE=“4”][I][B]You can do it![/B][/I][/SIZE][/COLOR] :cheering:

Is anything more difficult than learning to knit [I]after [/I]you’ve become proficient at crochet? Which method are you using? I have yet to manage knitting not using Continental. I learned knitting on plastic needles and luckily the stitches didn’t slide too easily. They’re cheap…but mostly they were in the kit I found marked down and finally decided to go for it. I agree, use needles that don’t encourage the stitches to slide off and just keep at it. You’ll get the hang of it. It’s worth the effort and time, IMO, because knitting is just better than crochet for some things. I’m currently on my 4th sweater, I didn’t really start knitting till last summer.

Check out the videos here and any you might find elsewhere (youtube has lots), sometimes no matter how well done and how clear a particular demo is, I need to see another from someone else, you might be the same.

As for stretched out stitches, right now don’t worry about them. In time and as you get the hang of 2 needles, 8 fingers, 2 thumbs, 2 ends of yarn…2 many moving parts :zombie: … you’ll see fewer and fewer stretched stitiches.

One last thing: If you get really frustrated, put it aside for a while and pick it up later. Knitting should be enjoyable.

I’ve knitted with two Susan Bates hooks. It works. Afghan hooks give you more room. Bamboo needles really do work better for any kind of slick yarn, though. That, and getting used to keeping the needle tips more “up” than you’re used to when you crochet. I knit whatever-people-want-to-call-how-Annie-Modesitt-does and like it. Occasionally somebody still screams at me to “learn to knit NORMALLY!” meaning the way they do, but other ways haven’t been as much fun for me.

Have you called the knitting police to round up those knitting nannies who say you’re not knitting normally…? :wink:

Have you called the knitting police to round up those knitting nannies who say you’re not knitting normally…?

Just so everyone is clear about it, [I][B]there is only one right way to knit.[/B][/I]. The only right way to knit is[I][B] the way that works for you.[/B][/I]

Normal knitting? I think that’s an oxymoron. :woot:

I am curious about Annie Modesitt’s method but apparently unless I sign up for a class I can’t find out.

The only right way to knit is[I][B] the way that works for you.[/B][/I]

You got that right. You don’t need to sign up for a class, just go to Annie’s website, she’s the one who popularized ‘combination’ knitting and she gives some basic stitches for it if you click on the drop down menu under Combination knitting.