Lately I’ve really been trying to avoid purling because I just don’t love it, and it struck me that I could do some thing else instead, even though it would make the end result look different.
When, in any given pattern, it says to purl, what structural difference would it make if I slipped those stitches instead? (I have knitted patterns with intentional slip-stitches as part of the pattern, and I do like the look.)
Knitting a hat in the round - body, not brim…
P1, K1 pattern (or vice-versa)
K2, P1, K2 pattern
Thinking that the decreases might need to return to purls in order to create another border, of sorts, kind of like the brim…?
Just really want to make sure that the choice to change the pattern in this way would be aesthetic only, and not cause any structural issues.
Thank you!