Sleeves doubt

I am making a baby sweater. This is the link to the free pattern:

I have a few doubts about making the sleeves. In the pattern it says 12th row: Rib, inc 5 sts evenly across. 36 sts.
[COLOR=“Magenta”]My doubt is do I do k1, p1 for the rib or p1,k1?

The next step says : Proceed in stocking st inc 1 st at each end of needle on 5th and following 6th rows to 48 sts.

[COLOR=“Magenta”]In the prev row the stitch count was 36, so to get 48 sts should I not inc 2 sts on every row for 6 rows? The above instr make it sound like the inc has to be done only on row 5 n 6…[/COLOR]

The next step says : Cont even until work from beg measures 5 1/4 " [13 cm] ending with RS facing for next row.

[COLOR=“Magenta”]What does cont even mean?[/COLOR]

For ribbing you always knit the sts that look like knits and purl the one that look like purls. That’s on the row you’re doing, not what you did the row before. By the 12th row, you’ll have that figured out. Then you just inc 5 sts evenly spaced across the row, and they don’t have to be in the rib pattern because you’re going to change to stockinette on the next row.

Yes, you inc 2 sts each inc row - it says ‘inc [B]each[/B] end of needle’. Inc on the 5th row after you switch to stockinette, that’ll be a knit row, then on every 6th row after that, also on the knit rows. ‘Cont even’ means after you’ve done all the increases, continue knitting in the st pattern (stockinette) without making any more increases - keep the st number ‘even’.

For ribbing you always knit the sts that look like knits and purl the ones that look like purls.
That is what Sue meant to say.

In the prev row the stitch count was 36, so to get 48 sts should I not inc 2 sts on every row for 6 rows?

You’re right about that, but they don’t want the sleeve to get bigger real fast, but more gradually so they have you spread those 6 rows of increases out and do one only every 6th row to give the sleeve a nice shape.

There is a “sticky” thread on the first page of the “How-to Questions” folder about how to knit the knits and purl the purls in case you don’t understand that.

Oops. Yeah, I’ll fix it. Funny how your fingers seem to type the wrong words.

And to clarify the increases… you inc on row 5 after you begin the stockinette, then row 11, 17, 23, etc.

I got it now…that was really confusing there… and im such a beginner that I interpreted it all wrong… Thx ladies…