Sleeve Shaping

Well I have gotten to the point where I need to start the sleeve shaping on my good ol’ Seeded Cable Cardigan. I am confused by the directions. They state: “Inc 1 st at each side on RS row, then every 4 rows so many times, then every 6 rows so many times” which I understand …

BUT THEN THIS HITS ME: “working inc sts in cable pattern as they become available” … ??? I don’t understand that part … can’t I just work the increases on the outside of the row, directly before the cable pattern starts/after it ends?

That would be the bottom of the sleeve that no one would see.

Am I reading way too much into this or am I missing something?:whoosh:

Help!! TIA

I believe that they’re telling you to do the increases at the edges, and when you work them on the next row, knit or purl them as if they’ve been part of the pattern all along. See what I mean?

Hi Ingrid, I was thinking that what you are saying is correct - maybe I am just over-thinking it all. What confused me is the phrase “working inc st in cable as they come available” - which to me would just skew the cable pattern. I believe you are right. I will do it the increases on the outside…

Thank You!

The increases should be done on the outside of the cable, but as you build up more of them, you can cable them too. You’d have something like this where the large Xs are the older sts cabled and the small ones the new ones that have been added to the edges of them…


Oh Sue! That thought hadn’t occured to me. Thanks!!

That’s what Ingrid was saying too, sometimes it takes an illustration to show how it would look. It’s a difficult concept to understand sometimes…