Sleeve Shaping Question

Hi all!

I am working on the Jumana Sweater by Louisa Harding, though very lovely, I am having a bit of a troublesome time with the sleeve head shaping.

I had 79 stitches before I started shaping. Then to complete the shaping I did the following steps:

  • Cast off 5 stitches at the start of a knit row.
  • Cast off 5 stitches at the start of a purl row.
  • Cast off 3 stitches at the start of a knit row.
  • Cast off 3 stitches at the start of a purl row.

(by now there is 63 stitches)

  • Decrease 1 stitch at the start and end of the next 3 and 2 following rows (This confused me but I think that Louisa was basically instructing the decreases to occur over 5 rows - ?)

(by now there is 53 stitches)

  • Work 3 rows

This is where I am struggling… the pattern instructs I need to “Decrease one stitch at the start and end of the next row and 2 following 4th rows.” - what does she mean by this?

I would really appreciate any help!

It sounds like it’s all good so far. Sometimes directions are split (i.e. next 3 rows and the 2 following) because of different sizes.
Call the next row, row 1. Then decrease at each end of rows 1, 5 and 9.

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Aha! Great thank you so much :slight_smile:

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I mucked up a bit… I am a bit further on now onto the final decrease line. I noticed that somewhere down the line, I’ve not decreased on one side. I know this because I have an even number of stitches instead of an odd number. I cannot find the missing decrease visually. My eyes are not experienced enough to detect it. Is it usually okay to proceed decreasing and ignore this kind of mistake. I am really miffed with myself.

No one is ever going to notice. You can probably put in another decrease somewhere before the bind off or even just bind off with one more stitch.
Love Louise Harding designs and this one is a beauty.

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