Sl2 K3tog p2sso

EDIT - they are to be slipped individually. Explanation in comments.
Hello, I have a question please. My instructions are sl2 k3tog p2sso. When I slip the stitches knitwise, do I do so individually or together (which would change their position I guess) or doesn’t it matter.

I have tried to search this question but couldn’t come up with an answer.

Thank you.

On this video they are slipped together

This one also slips together

Thank you, I’ve been searching utube for an hour!! Really appreciate it

I don’t want to cause any confusion but I’m not sure they are the same instruction???
The video is a “sl2tog” but in your post you put “sl2” without the “tog”.
I don’t have the answer for you but wonder if there is a description in your pattern, perhaps where the abbreviations are listed? I usually think unless it states to slip knit wise it means purl wise.

Maybe you can try both on a swatch and see which looks like the pattern stitch you are making. Or perhaps yarnplease or someone else knows if this is a different stitch.

Good catch! I hadn’t noticed that.

Is there a ravelry pattern page? If you look through the projects and filter projects with notes, someone else might have mentioned it.


I think looking for abbreviations, looking on ravelry at notes, even a photo which can be zoomed into to see how the stitch works out, could all help.
It depends on how the stitches are intended to stack on the decrease.

I found one pattern with the decrease written in this way which also had a chart. In the written pattern it was ambiguous about how to slip (no mention of together or individually, knit wise or purl wise) but the chart key was clear on the intention. If your pattern has a chart this could be a place to look to get more information.


Hello - thank you all for your input. During class I did speak to the designer and it was to slip each stitch individually (I’d slipped them together). The symbol on the chart was showing a double decrease (not sure how to paste it so it’s clear) and there was a curve showing it leaning if they were to be slipped together there would have been no curve. Very subtle and as someone new to charts I didn’t think to even look at that I was so focussed on getting the sl2 k3tog p2sso to even stay on my needles especially with the YO I had in front of this stitch.
Thank you all for your help.


Thank you, I have updated my post. Yes indeed they were being slipped knitwise as they were involved in a decrease. The ‘tog’ missing from the instruction was indeed a clue as they were supposed to be slipped separately.

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Glad to hear you have had clarification of how the stitch is to be made. It just shows how important clear wording on patterns and charts is to get the correct intention across.

Enjoy your project. Hope we get to see a pic.

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It’s actually only a swatch for a lace class I am taking and I am guilty of overthinking everything. However I’ve learned loads, this decrease and chart symbol being one of them.
Thank you.


It was clear wording when I actually looked into it. It was me overthinking. There is so much to learn about charts and their symbols. I have purchased a book called ‘charts made simple’ :grinning: and this along with the class I am taking is definitely helping me overcome what was a fear of charted patterns.