Skip 1?

looking at a new mitten pattern, and after I cast on (using dps), and join together, the first row instructs me to:

Row 1: purl 1, skip 1 for one round.
Row 2: skip 1, purl 1 for one round.
Row 3: purl 1, slip 1 for one round.

Is a skip 1 the same as a slip 1?

Thanks to anyone who can help me…

Do you have a picture of the mittens or a link to the pattern? It might help to see what the mittens look like.

As far as I know, a “skip” and a “slip” are 2 different things. If I’m not mistaken a “skip” works out to a decrease. You purl a stitch and instead of putting your right hand needle into the very next stitch on the left hand needle, you go over that and into the stitch after that one.

A “slip” is when you pass the stitch from the left hand needle onto the right hand needle (as if you were going to purl it) without working it and then you purl the next stitch.

Thank you for your reply… I just purchased the pattern of Icelandic Mittens off of ETSY, from finnishweaver, so I don’t have a photo that I could share. Hmmm, if I think I understand – so I purl 1, go over the next stc (which would have been a K1), purl, go over next etc.

[COLOR=“Blue”]? still remains – won’t I wind up dropping the stitch that I’ve skipped over? I’ll play around with it, and maybe wind up answering the question… [/COLOR]Thank you again!

I would email finnishweaver, it would be an easy “typo” to make. Is there a stitch guide with the pattern ?

Now that I think about it, whenever I’ve seen a skip 1 in a pattern, something else was done to the skipped stitch before moving on. Sometimes it’s slipped over the next stitch or you go back and work it after you work the next stitch, but it’s never left unworked.

I would think there should be a stitch definition to clarify or that it’s a typo. But somehow a round of p1 slip1 followed by a round of slip 1 p1 doesn’t make sense to me either. I’d have to see what the mittens look like.

I’ll have to get in touch with finnishweaver… Thank you for helping :slight_smile:

If I can’t find the skip 1 stitch definition anywhere, I’ll get in touch with the pattern’s designer… Thanks so much for helping…

I agree, I’ll try to find a stitch definition, and if I can’t find one, will contact finnishweaver. Thanks again…

I looked in the glossary of common abbreviations and it includes some of videos on this site. It does show Skip (sk)it shows it as slip1, knit 2 tog, pass slipped stitch over. (a double decrease)

Hope this helps

. It does show Skip (sk)it shows it as slip1, knit 2 tog, pass slipped stitch over. (a double decrease)

Where do you see that? It shows –
sk skip
sk2p slip1, knit 2 tog, pass slipped stitch over. (a double dec)
SKP [I]aka[/I] skpo “Slip, Knit, Pass.” Slip a stitch, knit the next stitch, pass the slipped stitch over the knit one. The same as: sl1, k1, psso

[I]These are all separate terms.[/I]

As far as I know the only time you ‘skip’ a stitch is in a chart that shows ‘no stitch’ where you really skip the box and go on to the next box for the next stitch.

I’m inclined to think it’s a typo as the k and l are next to each other. Slip sts are used in knitting a row as in k1, sl 1, repeat.

I checked the Glossary and saw sk (skip)and read the text under sk2p and thought it was the explaination for skip (sk) sorry. My mistake.

I’ve been in touch with the designer (finnishweaver). It is a skip one, purl one, etc. The following is the beginning of her pattern.


Cast on 9 sts on each of the 4 needles (36 total)

  1. Join to circle purl 1, skip 1 for one round; on the next round, skip 1, purl 1; and on the third round, purl 1, skip 1.
  2. Knit 12 rounds. (The second color may be used here, or 3. you may choose to wait to use it until after the thumb.)
  3. On the next round, purl 1, skip 1.[/COLOR]
  4. Knit another 12 rounds.

The following is how I understood it to be:
I’ll insert the RH needle into the 2nd st exactly like a regular purl, yarn around like normal and pull up the new st loop. I’ll stop right there, and won’t slide anything off the LH needle yet. Then I’ll go back to that st I skipped and purl it, and after I pull up the new st loop will slide the whole works off the needle.

To which she replied:
insert the RH needle into the 2nd st exactly like a regular purl, yarn around like normal and pull up the new st loop. This is where you move the st to righthand needle, and you are done with the skipped stich.

I’ll take a photo of a pair of her mittens (that I purchased from her on ETSY). Perhaps seeing the stitches will help define what I’m trying to achieve :slight_smile: I love these mittens, made from LOPI, and want to make them for the afghans for Afghans campaign.

Hmmm, I’ll have to figure out how to post my photos,

Thank you for the help!

Okay, she’s using ‘skip1, p1’ for making a twist stitch. It would probably have been more clear if she used RT/LT and explained it.

It sounds like you understand the stitch… I’m still not clear on it. I’ll run by what I’ve done when I skip a stitch:

Skip 1, Purl 1. I then take the purled stitch, move it from left needle onto right needle, and then take slipped stitch and place it on the right needle. The skipped stitch will now be in front of the purled stitch.

I took two photos, but I can’t get them posted. I did place them in Flickr for public viewing…

Maybe I don’t understand it, I just read your interpretation and kinda skimmed her reply. She actually never says WHAT you do to the stitch that you skip. The way you and I have been thinking about it is as a twisted stitch. Maybe it’s time for a link to the pattern or a picture of it; that can help explain a lot.

How do I get a photo posted? I did post them into Flickr,but would like to insert them directly into my reply here.

Many thanks!

I found some help on posting photos… Maybe these pics will help explain what I’m trying to achieve :???:

Okay, that does look like a slip stitch with the yarn on the RS. Try that on that row, knit a couple more and see if it looks the same.

Yes!! That’s it!! I can’t thank you enough… I’ve wanted to knit this particular stitch ever since I purchased these mittens. Now to wait for my Lopi yarn to arrive.

Thanks to all who have helped me…

When you find some instructions in a pattern confusing, looking at the picture can often help you figure it out.