Sirdar Snuggly Baby Crofter pattern 1317

I am knitting size 2-3 years of long sleeved cardigan for my granddaughter. After I knit the 1st row starting with 72 stitches I end up with 31 stitches but when I knit the 2nd row I should have 61 stitches but I only have 58 stitches each time I try it. I can’t work out where the missing 3 stitches are. Can you help?

I’ve spoken to a friend who is a knitter and she said it looked as if there is a mistake in the pattern as you need to knit the first three rows of the pattern to get your 61 stitches

Welcome to KH!
If you’d like you can quote the first 3 rows. Don’t give us any more of the pattern please due to designer copyright.
If you’ve already answered you own question, so much the better. Enjoy knitting the sweater and come back if you need help.

On the pattern the number of stitches is given after the second row mistakenly and should be written after the third row. Thanks for your response

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I have tried this and still have less stitches

Am I right in knitting 5 stitches onto right hand needlecraft slp 2 3 4 5 over first stitch

Welcome to KH!
Perhaps @Lynn24 can help.
Alternatively you can quote the entire row for us. We can’t post large portions of patterns but a couple of rows is fine. Also let us know how many sts you have to start the row and the number you should have at its end.


I have 62 start the back then after 3rd row end up with 48 instead of 53

Am I doing it correctly

5 stitches onto right then slip 2 3c4cand 5th stich over first stitch


If the directions say to slip 2,3,4 and 5 over stitch one then that’s correct. It may be that there’s a difference in how the directions continue, whether or not there are more sts between the 5 involved in the lace pattern with slip sts.
You can quote that entire row if you like. That’ll help with the question.

Mod Squad

    January 28

If the directions say to slip 2,3,4 and 5 over stitch one then that’s correct. It may be that there’s a difference in how the directions continue, whether or not there are more sts between the 5 involved in the lace pattern with slip sts.
You can quote that entire row if you like. That’ll help with the question.

K1 yfd *k5 slip 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th st overcthecst St yfwd repeat from * to last st k1

OK, starting with 62, there are 12 repeats and you should end the row with 27sts.
What are the directions for the next row, row 3??

That is row 1

Row 2 is k1* p1yon 1tbl in next st p1 repeat from * to end

The pattern is correct. You should end up with 53sts.
Row 2 is k1* p1,yon, k1tbl in next st p1 repeat from * to end

You’re working the p1, yon, k1tbl all into a single stitch. then a p1. That leaves you with 4sts in each repeat. Work the repeat 13 times leaving you with 52sts and the initial k1 gives you 53.

If you are off by a few sts it sounds like a random mistake. It may help to look at the row now and mark off the repeats (every 4 sts). As you place the markers, name the sts: the p1, yon, k1tbl, then the p1. It may just be a couple of missing yarn overs.

I know this is frustrating but you’re very close. I don’t think it’s a consistent misunderstanding of stitch pattern. Try the markers to see if that helps. I know it’s saved me in knitting lace. The pattern is so sweet that it’s worth it.

Thank you so much x did mot realise all into 1 St that makes sense x

Give it a try and see how it goes.

Thank you

Worked perfectly

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The best news!