Hi I am struggling with keeping the pattern correct whilst decreasing on row 5. I have tried several times.
Is there a logical way of working it out. I’ve counted stitches allowing for decreases etc and can’t seem to do it. I’m tempted to pull it all out and work on another pattern if I can’t make progress very soon! Any tips would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.Sirdar Pattern 4335
The easiest way to work this is to look at the columns of sts in previous rows. You want to keep the yarn overs and little diamonds they form aligned, even though the stitch count is changing.
Can you quote row 5 for us? Don’t give us more than that as we can’t post large portions of patterns here due to designer copyright.
Thank you so much for your reply. I have attached two photos of row 5. When I do the k2tog yfwd the hole ends up misaligned. I’m counting incorrectly somehow how do I work out where to do the k2tog yfwd?
If you look at the central panels of 7 sts, for this row those panels are k2, k2tog, yfwd, k3. In
first panel on the right, the yarn over is in the correct place (blue dot). There’s a purl stitch (red arrow) that should be a knit stitch but that can be fixed.
Work the columns between the sets of 7sts and then work the 7sts as k2, k2tog, yfwd, k3. That will place the yarn over correctly.
It takes a bit of reading your knitting to work this rather than following the written rows especially when you’re also decreasing or increasing.
The pattern you’ve knit so far looks lovely.
If you need it, here’s a video for tinking which helps when backing up a row to fix a mistake.
Thank you, I understand it much better now and video was great. I have never heard of Tinking before. I’m frequently ‘tinking’ but have been doing it the hard way! I will have to go back a couple of rows as it’s not right and use your instructions as my guide. I did row 7 to see what it looked like and the pattern isn’t consistent.
Yes, that’s the idea. You’re seeing where the yarn overs or yfwd should be so you can correctly place them. You may have to give up on the eyelets at each edge if there are more decreases but that’s ok. Just replace them with stockinette stitch (knit on the right side, purl on the wrong side).
Well done.
It can be disheartening to have to tink a few rows but try to approach it as a learning process and enjoy it because, in my opinion, reading your work, tinking and being able to fix problems as they arise are what makes the better knitter. I’m not at all experienced it I feel great when I can fix a stitch myself or undo a row and know I will get them on the needle the right way around.
Simple pleasures.
Also I want to say I’m so pleased to see that you are going ahead with this pattern. It looks tricky but really pretty, your knitting looks great and I think its going to make someone very happy when its complete.
Moral support being sent your way
Hi Creations,
Thank you for your help and advice. I had to admit defeat with the decreasing and keeping to the pattern. I don’t have a problem with the pattern itself, but I struggle with knowing when to do the YO’s when decreasing due to the change in stitch numbers. Two reviews about the pattern say how straightforward it is, so I’m missing something!
The decreases are going to “eat into” the stitch pattern. One way around this is to give up the yarn over and eyelet patterns at each end. Knit those panels in stockinette stitch only. That way you won’t have to think about the eyelets at all.
Thank you for your help, and your previous advice which could not have been clearer. I have read it over and over, but I think I have brain fog! I’m going to give it another go sometime this week in the hope that the penny drops. Thank you again.
This is a nice visual of what happens in a pattern chart during decreases. You can either work out the eyelet pattern is a similar manner or as I mentioned, give up the eyelets and work the side panels as stockinette. That’s a reasonable alternative.
Thank you for your advice, and the link, but the link says can’t find the page.
I’m sorry about that.
That’s such a help, thank you. I’m going to print it out