Hi. I can see a few referrals to this pattern but nothing that answers my question.
I am doing the raglan shaping for the 5th size and there doesn’t seem to be any continuity with the even number rows ie rows 2, 4 & 6 etc.
Row 2 shows p2togtbl twice while row 4 doesn’t show it at all. Row 6 shows it once.
I would have thought that I would need to follow as of 2nd row (ie twice) to keep the decreases all slanting in the same direction. Am I over thinking this? I don’t want to end up with the raglan shaping looking uneven.
I hope I have made myself clear. I’ll be very grateful for any advice.
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Sirdar Pattern 1815 Raglan shaping
Are you decreasing for the neck as well as the raglan in this part of the pattern? What part of the sweater is this? Often the raglans decrease at regular spacing but not always.
You can quote the rows that describe the decreases if you’d like. Don’t give us a large portion of the pattern due to designer copyright however.
Thanks. I have only just started decreasing for the raglan (only 4 rows so far) The neck hasn’t started yet as I’m doing round neck.
I was hoping that the photos had uploaded but they don’t seem to have.
I don’t have difficulty with the frequency of the raglan shaping but with the continuity of whether I should follow on with the P2togtbl as in row 2 of shaping to keep the raglan neat.
I have only posted edited sections of the pattern and was hoping that they would upload. If not I can write out or try to upload again.
The frequency of the decreases is differing between the sleeves and the front and back. In one case you’re decreasing each side of the raglan stitch (row 2) and in the other only on one side (row 4). The slant of the decreases will be the same and you can check that to confirm by looking at the knit rows.
(The photos uploaded perfectly.)
I forgot to say that the yoke is all knitted in one but I guess you figured that out.
I’m decreasing 4 times on each purl row though so doesn’t that mean that I’m decreasing on both sides of the raglan each time?
The knit rows are dec each side of the raglan stitch (8 decreases). The purl rows are only dec once at each raglan stitch (4 decreases). It looks like the purl rows only dec the front or back not on the sleeves.
I sometimes make a diagram of the raglans showing the decreases on knit rows and a second diagram showing decreases on purl rows just to keep it clear. Also. markers are critical for me.
Ah ok. That’s great. Thank you very much for all your help
Hi. Thank you for your help with my pattern so far but I’m sorry as I have another question.
I have been asked to repeat rows 5 and 6 of my shaping a second time but it doesn’t take into consideration that I have less stitches when I repeat these two rows and therefore my “pattern” stitches I assume should be less (a similar thing happens later in the pattern too) My stitches for the rows will not work out correctly if I follow the pattern exactly.
I start before these rows with 143 stitches and after rows 5 and 6 I have 131 stitches. After repeating these rows I will end up with 119 stitches.
I suppose it would be wise to mark my shaping as you suggested but I was just wondering if I have misread the pattern. Thank you.
No problem asking more questions. We have no limits here.
Yes, you’re correct. You won’t be able to repeat the pattern exactly as written for rows 5 and 6. You’ll need to take the decreases into account. It’ll help to also look at the pattern that you’ve extablished in previous rows and decide which stitch to work next to continue that pattern. You don’t want the pattern to jog or misalign on the repeat of rows 5&6.
Sometimes it helps to count backwards from the last purl bump on the right side (RS) in an earlier row to figure out where you should be after the decrease. I’ve also used markers to mark the beginning of a pattern repeat. That way you can make the decrease and have a visual of where the next repeat (or in your case the purl bump) would go.
Thank you. I will put markers and check as I’m going along where my decreases should go. Is it best to look from the wrong side or right side when checking?
I find it easier to check from the right side because for me it’s easier to see the purl bumps. If you find that the wrong side is better then that’ll work too.
You’ll see just about immediately if the purl stitch on the right side is out of alignment and that will help you too. You can then mark the stitch that should be the purl.
So the purl bumps you refer to are the V shapes on the right side?
The purl sts on the right side (see circles below).
Ah I see what you mean. Actually I’m not doing the “pattern”. I’m using a yarn with a fleck so just doing stocking stitch for the garment. Where it says pattern so many stitches I’m just either knitting or purling as required.
Makes this all much simpler. You won’t have to worry about keeping in pattern then. All you want really is to keep the decreases in a continuous slant. Just keep checking with the right side rows that the raglan march up in a line.
Thank you for your help once again
Come back anytime with questions. We’re all happy to help.