Silly question... I hope

Okay, so I was just re-watching the knit cast-on and watching the purl video when Amy said something that jumped out at me… she specified which direction to wrap your yarn around your needle… Now here’s my question, I hold my rhn like it’s a crochet hook almost, and wrap it in much the same manner. In crochet, which direction you wrap your yarn around your hook doesn’t really matter as long as you get it there. In knitting, does it matter which direction your wrap your yarn around your needle as long as you are moving a loop of yarn in the right direction? Have I possibly developed a bad habit I need to fix?

:knitting: :frog: :x:

Yes, it does matter. if you wrap your yarn the way the video shows, the front leg of the stitch (the yarn nearest you) is forward (just like one leg moves forward when you walk). It you wrap in the other direction, the front leg is stepping back and you’ll have a twisted stitch. That will be more difficult to work correctly on the following row or will have to be corrected perhaps by working through the back loop.

Okay so just to confirm… cause I still haven’t slept, so I want to be sure I understand you correctly…

Knit stitch: needle goes into the stitch from my left or as Amy says “the bottom”, under my lhn to the back where I’m already holding the yarn, then I wrap my yarn around my needle and pull it through.

Is it a matter of just needing to be consistent with the direction I wrap or is it a matter of needing to wrap to the right only?

(Sorry, I’ve only had 3 hours sleep in 4 days, so I’m feeling really obtuse.)

You would wrap the yarn the same way for both the knit and purl st which would be under the needle, over the top and around it. They call it counter clockwise, but that’s when you look at the tip of the needle as being the clock. I call it clockwise because it makes more sense to me that the needle is pointing at the clock. I get beat up a lot for that view point on other forums…

Okay… well… :shrug: guess a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do. Can I just change my name to Kermit?

goes and tears out her nearly finished kitchen towel

Don’t do that, will it matter if you’ve wrapped some of the sts ‘backkwards’ on the towel? If it’s not a gift, then just leave it and wrap them the same for the rest of it.

It’s not so much that the “look” matters, it’s more a matter that I was using this project (self-designed) to practice my knit stitch and using it to “get it right” :D. Besides, it’s what I’m using to teach my children how to knit, so I need to have it right for them.

Normally, I’d agree with you though, that for something practical and for the self, doesn’t need to perfect.

If you’re not sure how to wrap the stitches go to the video section and watch how she does it. It’s the easiest way to see since descriptions vary for the same thing.

Yes, it matters which direction you do it or you will have twisted stitches. You knit into the front of the stitch from left to right. You wrap the yarn over the needle from left to right.

Here’s a video that shows how to correctly do the Continental or English knit stitch. It talks about stitch orientation, which way the stitches lie. The poster then goes on to explain Eastern European knitting. This is done just the opposite. If you’re really having trouble switching from the way you crochet, you might want to try Eastern knitting. I’m an Eastern knitter.

Btw, nothing you ever ask here is silly. If it were, I would have been laughed off the site at some of the things I ask. I just appreciate these ladies and gentlemen so much for all their help in advancing our knowledge of knitting!!! :muah: :muah: to all of you!!!

You and me both, Nonny.

How can you tell when you have a set of twisted stitches?

Look at the pictures in this blog post.

Suzee, Thank you so very much for your patience with me. I’m sorry if I’m driving you bonkers.

Not at all. At least you’re picking up on things and don’t need to have something exlained over and over.

Okay, so tangental question: Do you know of a good, clear video of DPN knitting? I’ve just watched Amy’s and for a change it leaves a bit to be desired in visibility. Usually she’s the one that clarifies whichever technique it is for me, in this case I’m more confused.

(Then again almost 5 days with no sleep will do that to a person.)

If you Google, knitting on dpns there are a couple of videos that come up and a few tutorials that may help. It’s much easier to start using dpns if you are switching from a project that has begun on circular needles. You can just knit and work with one dpn after the other in your right hand. You won’t have to begin with casting onto the dpns which is always a little bit of a juggling act.
BTW: You can usually tell when you come to a twisted st because it’s tighter on the needle and so harder to get your working needle into the st. Enjoy your trip and your project!

Youtube has excellent tutorials. If you don’t understand it from one teacher, often you’ll find another where it just clicks for you. One alternative for knitting with double points is using a circular needle and magic loop.

Contrary to what some knitting directions tell you, you don’t have to switch to double points from circulars like when knitting a hat. With my circulars, I can get down to knitting two stitches. I do I cords with my circulars all the time. I think they tell you that so you’ll go out and buy more needles for the project, more profit for them. I have one set of Knitpicks interchangeable Harmony Wood needles. They all store neatly and compactly into a small case. I lost most of the double points a long time ago. I keep a few of the stray dps in the bottom of my knitting bag for three needle bind offs. That reminds me, I should bring all my straights that are sitting around gathering dust to a thrift store one of these days.

I do everything on circulars, including straight knitting. I like them because you can push your work farther onto the cables when you’re done with your project for the day and don’t have dropped stitches. I don’t have double points falling out onto the floor when I’m knitting. Since both needles are attached to the cable, I’m not digging lost needles out of the sofa.

At first, I thought the interchangeable needle sets were expensive, until I figured out how much I would spend without them. I would have to have double points of every size. Maybe two sets for small and larger projects. I would have to have short and long straight needles of every size. I would have to have two or three sets of circulars in various lengths. Even if you only have a few sizes, this all adds up. The sets end up being a bargain. Then you have to figure out how you’ll sort, size, and store your booty. My set of interchangeables fits in a zippered case that’s maybe 5 by 7 inches and an inch deep.

Well, if you have fixed circulars, you don’t need straight needles at all, you can knit flat with them. With a medium or long circ, you can use it for small or large projects and don’t really need dpns. But yeah, interchangeables would be quite a lot less.