Sign Petition to save Knitty Gritty Show

I am passing this message around. It was posted by a person in Ravelry and I thought I would be a good idea to get some more people involved.

done-KNIT ON folks!

Sign it and forwarded the link to all of my knitting friends list for them to go there if they are watchers too!

Signed with pleasure. I also miss the show and wish it aired at a reasonable time of day.

Signed. I’m lucky enough to have to have a dvr, but I’d seriously miss this show if it was gone for good.

I signed the petition without hesitation, it was because of Knitty Gritty that I learned to knit.


Ditto! Thx, btw. :thumbsup:



Signed it… just started recording this show… hope they keep it… thanks for posting it

Yup, I signed it too and will fwd to my knitting friends. It was a tremendous help to me while I was trying to learn to knit. How I would LOVE to see new episodes!!

Thanks for posting this I love the show!!!:slight_smile:

'Signed the petition. I’m sick of the crud they have on now. There is virtually no original craft show programming. HGTV (sister company to DIY) is just as bad. They replay shows from 5 years ago and introduce BAD shows in their places. I say we should push for more of the GREAT programming they used to have: DIY Scrapbooking, The Carol Duvall Show, Simply Quilts, Knitty Gritty, Uncommon Threads… Where are all of the TRADIONAL craft shows that brought us to their programming in the first place? :waah:

fiber art friends!!!

I signed the petition, I posted a question about the show a few weeks back…Seems like alot of KH’ers are “tired” of the re-runs…I myself do not have the option of viewing at 5 am or Tivo or recording I WANT MY "KNITTY GRITTY BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKK:grrr: What about “Uncommon Threads”? Anyone know whaatsup with that? Cheley

Done! Thanks for the link…I haven’t seen Knitty Gritty in ages sonce it’s on at such a crazy time in my area.

Thank you so much for posting this. I signed the petition too. I wasn’t aware that there was a problem until I read this thread. I record Knitty Gritty through my cable so I don’t even pay attention to what time it comes on.

I watch all the shows, even if it is a rerun. Even if I’m not crazy about the project for that day, there is almost always something I can pick up from that show that helps my knitting.

Thank You for posting this here. I am the owner of the petition and was going to post it here as well. There are so few knitting shows out there for beginners, I hope to get DIY programmers to pick the show back up.
This is a great site here for beginners , I send lots of people here when they ask for advice and thought they might be interested in saving the show as well.

Guys I hate to be a petition pooper especially when I believe in the cause but online petitions don’t work. I did a research paper last year on social change and one of the topics I covered was petitions. Snopes
has a good article explaining it all. I think if we really want to get this show back on the air we need to flood DIY with letters, actual signed on paper letters that went through the mail.
Think of how effective those almost 500 signatures would be if the were coming in daily through the mail. It would be hard to ignore!