Hello! I am getting close to the point that I need to start shaping the armholes and neck of the back of my Mom’s sweater, so I have been reading ahead in the directions. I understand the directions for binding off for the shoulder. The last direction for shaping the neck have me confused. How do I do this:
At this point there are 130 sts on the needles.
BO 8 sts at beg of next 4 rows
BO 9 sts at the beg of next 4 rows
[I]Do I BO the specified number of stitches on [B]each[/B] row? Or over the course of the 4 rows? I.E. for the first one … 8 sts total or 32 sts total?[/I]
[B]and at the same time, on the first row of shoulder shaping work across to center 54 sts, BO center sts, work to end. [/B][I](Is this my center point for binding of the neck hole??)[/I]
[B]Working both sides at the same time, at each neck edge, BO 2 sts twice. [/B][I](Does this mean that I start from the center and bind off two stitches at a time for the neck while working the shoulder shaping?)[/I]
This is my first sweater so as you might imagine, I am a bit nervous about the whole thing …