Short one stitch after increases

After completing 21 increase rows in a raglan pullover knitted in the round, I seem to be short one stitch. I can’t see where I made the mistake. What is the best way to add a stitch to get the correct count? Anyplace in particular?

What is the name of your pattern?
Top down? You could add in the extra stitch near the underarm. Depending on where the stitch is missing either add it when you continue with the main body or when you pick up held sts to work one of the sleeves.
One stitch short isn’t usually a big problem depending on the stitch pattern and gauge.

I am doing a variation of the Flax light pattern (no garter stitch), but adding random stripes which I haven’t started yet. So, yes, top down. I’m still not sure where the stitch is missing, but now that I am about to start the main body, I wasn’t sure of the best way or place of adding it. Underarm might be a good idea as it will not be noticeable there. Guage is supposed to be 4”=24 st. I am getting 4”=25 st. So I don’t think I can afford to lose a stitch

That’s a very nice pattern. I’ve made the Flax pattern which calls for a heavier yarn.
Yes, you don’t want to lose sts. If you need it you could even add a few more at the underarm.
Have fun with it and please do post a photo when you finish.

Thanks very much. I will.


Have you finished?

On the contrary, I tried to correct a mistake I had made much earlier when I switched colour, needle size and stitch going from ribbing to stocking stitch. I couldn’t fix it to my satisfaction, so I ended up taking out all the work I had done one stitch at a time, then noticed a mistake in the ribbing, and took back half the ribbing (twice). I couldn’t bring myself to rip the whole thing, so at present I am about halfway through the collar. I know I am being a little obsessive about this. At this rate, I may be finished by October.

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It’s worth getting it right even knowing how painful it can be to rip back (very painful). It’s a nicely designed sweater.
The tutorial for this sweater may be of help further along in the pattern.

And a lifeline is always good.

Thanks for your support. I have actually made this sweater before without quite as many issues, mostly dropped stitches that are difficult to pick up because of how fine the yarn is (fingering).

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Good to know. I’m going to make a version using thicker yarn which was given to me. Looking forward to starting it.

Thank you for pattern. I will definitely make one myself after finishing up pullover on needles :grin:

You’re welcome. The pattern does call for a band of garter stitch across the shoulders and down the length of the arm. I don’t bother with that so you have to ignore some instructions.

That part is what i like, something different. Easier than what I’m doing.

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Wow, tricky! Beautiful colour too.