Shawl with 1/4 sleeves?

I have a request from my boss ( she saw a lady at church with one and now she wants me to make her one) to make one but I have no idea what the correct name of it is so that I can even begin to look for a free pattern.

I am told that it looks like a shawl but it has about 1/4 of a sleeve just enough to put your wrist in.

I sure hope someone has an idea of what I am talking about because I sure don’t!:shrug:

Anyway, I would like to find a free,easy pattern for a beginner.

Thanks in advance for the help and I sure hope you can make sense of my post!

It may be like the Lion Shrugs where you knit a rectangle and fold over the long way, and seam partway up the sides, like this one or this one. Or there’s circular shawls that have armholes in them where sleeves can be added. Or ask our boss if she can take a picture of the one she saw, that would help tremendously.