This is my favorite “brainless” shawl. Once you get the rhythm you don’t need to look at the pattern. Well, I don’t anyway. It’s simple, pretty, and knits up fairly quickly. I’ve never seen the pattern anywhere… I adapted Barbara Walker’s Vertical Lace Trellis from her First Treasury of Knitting Patterns to a triangle shawl pattern. I’ve worked it in all sorts of weights. There is no pull because R4 pulls the opposite direction of R2 making blocking really just a matter of preference. I wash lightly and let hang to dry on one of those folding wood racks.
4 row repeat for pattern. CO even number of stitches.
Rows 1 and 3 (wrong side) Purl row 1 for the very first row. P1, yo, purl to end every time thereafter.
R1: Purl (P1, yo, purl to end for R5 and on)
R2: K1, yo, K1 *yo, k2tog; rep from *
R3: P1, yo, purl to end
R4: K1, yo *ssk, yo; rep from *, end k1.
Repeat pattern until it’s as big as you’d like. My personal preference is snuggly wraps so I make it at least as long across the top as the person it’s intended for is tall. I make an I-cord to poke through the holes of the wrap to hold it together… or not. Again personal preference. I have a big charcoal one I wear all the time in winter and the I-cord tie comes in handy when I’m making kids breakfasts and lunches in the morning. And keeps my wrap out of their food
Okay, i attached a photo of the last one I made lets see if it shows up. The little popup screen went blank.