I know this is a huge ask, but I had to take out several rows of the shawl for not making a lifeline- I really need to start doing that!) Anyway, I am now on going on to row 77, but I have no idea where my stitch markers should be- I was actually quite shocked I was able to salvage it, but I just don’t know where they go now.
so I am on row 76 which is where I assume I can put the markers?
Also, I have really even tension but why when I knit an SSK are my stitches so tight? I could hardly move them or get them off my needle.
Shawl Cont
It may help to name the sts on the needles and place the markers as you do that. If you were able to pick up the yarn overs they are good as signposts as are the decreases. As you knit row 77 make sure the areas of the twists or cables lines up correctly.
This really is a stunning pattern but it sure does call for frequent lifelines.
Are you slipping the sts for the ssk as if to knit then knitting the sts through the back loop? If that’s not working you could try just knitting 2 together through the back loop without the slip sts.
I put in a lifeline, then I still had problems- NOW I am back to row 67- but I am definitely counting my stitches after every row!
Oh I am with you there. I knit a sweater with a lace panel across the back that required counting after every row. And I only had 140sts (still engraved in my brain).
After row 103, I had 344 and I have worked row 105 twice, and recounted several times- I have 380- GRR… Am I losing my mind?? In the pattern, I count 40 yarn overs- which would make my stitch count be more- but not 378! I am scratching my head and there is no errata noted.
I can’t help resolve the problem but I counted through the row 3 times and get 380 sts, just as you have on the needles.
Thank you, I am not crazy! This project has really stretched me as a knitter and counter!
Some on Ravelry have commented on incorrect stitch counts in the pattern. Take a look at the alignment of the cables and openwork on the shawl. If that all looks good you’re fine. You’re almost at the end at this point in this lovely shawl.
It’s a shame the pattern hasn’t been corrected.
Hopefully you can figure it out and get it finished.