Shaping Raglan

I am knitting a cardigan and have come to the section where I have to shape raglan and I am totally confused.
This is the pattern and here are the instructions:


Can anyone help me please?

I tried to do the rows of cast off - I am doing the first size and finish with row 4 so I presume I go onto Row 5 as it’s a 12 row pattern.

Welcome to the forum!
Very nice pattern.
Yes, proceed to row 5 but you’ll have to take into account the 4 cast off sts. The easiest way to do this is to look at the previous pattern rows and figure out how to start the current row
So under Shape Raglan, where it says “1st Row” you will be working row 5 of the pattern stitch. As you decrease on the following rows, you’ll also have to take these increases into account in following the pattern.

Thank you so much.
So where it says cast off 4 on next 2 rows- does it mean Row 5 and 6 followed by Row 1(5 or 7) and row 2 ( row 6 or 8)?

Cast off 4 on the next 2 rows. If those are rows 5 and 6 then yes, work the cast offs on those rows. Where it describes Rows 1 and 2 under Shape Raglan would be rows 7 and 8.
Keep track of your stitch pattern row so that the pattern will be continuous. Use the previous rows to keep the pattern aligned. You won’t be able to follow the pattern rows exactly as written because of the cast off or decreased sts.

Thank you so much.
Finally, the subsequent rows e.g.
for all 6sizes
1st row would be the next row in pattern?
In this case, row 9?

Yes exactly, row 9. I sometimes keep track of the stitch pattern row with a row counter or pencil and paper. Anything to make it easier to knit.

Thank you so very much for your help. Been trying to sort this out for 3 days!:rofl:
Thank you once again.

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Please can you help me again? So I’ve cast off 4 stitches on each of next 2 rows but instead of 63, I have 64.
I don’t know where I have gone wrong. D

I tried the 2 cast off rows but I am left with 64 stitches instead of 63

One extra stitch isn’t a big deal assuming it doesn’t alter the pattern stitch. You might count sts between the edge and the first eyelet to see if one side has more sts than the other. If you’re sure you cast off 4sts on each side then I’d just cast off one extra stitch on the side with more sts.
If both sides seem to have equal number of sts, just leave the extra stitch until the bind off. Should be fine.

Thank you. I shall have another try.

Did you start with the right number of stitches? If so, maybe you only cast off 3 instead of 4 in one of the cast-off rows.

This blog post might help you to count the two cast-off sections to make sure you have done 4 stitches each time.

It refers to casting off in the middle of your knitting, but the counting principle is the same, so hopefully that will help.

As knitting can be rather curly at the edge, pinning the section out flat might help you to see the stitches clearly.

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Thank you for the help. Yes, I started off with the correct number of stitches. I undid a few rows and I am coming up to the cast off again. This time, I have written down the pattern on a separate piece of paper for the size I want.
I shall read the advice that I have been given by yourself, salmon Mac and Creation ( Grumpgramma) as you have all been really helpful.
Thank you once again. :grinning:


So, I have started off the cast off row.
It tells me to cast off 4 at the beginning and continue in pattern.
K2tog yfwd k8 to last 7 stitches.
I have incorporated the k2tog in the cast off.

Now I have to yfwd - does this look right so far. I have counted the columns.
If I do a yfwd, I will have 68 stitches instead of 67.

The first time I tried it today, I thought I was winning as I had 67 on my needle after first 4 cast off but the second row wasn’t right and I ended up with 8 at the end of the row instead of 7.

Are you knitting the left front or the back of the sweater?
The decrease should occur on the following knit row rather than as part of the bind off at the armhole. If it’s on the back, bind off 4sts, work to the end of the row, turn and bind off 4sts then complete the row. On the next row, work the decrease.

You’re correct about the yarn over adding a stitch. Because this is an eyelet stitch pattern there is a paired decrease that goes along with the yarn over. They are partners.
If you don’t have enough sts to work both the stitch pattern decrease and the yarn over as partners, then substitute the background stitch which is stockinette for both. The stitch pattern decrease (the partner of the yarn over) doesn’t count as a decrease since there is the yarn over increase.

So for your pattern, on the next knit row work the decrease then look at your sts. You won’t have enough sts to work the eyelet partners so skip the eyelet on this row and substitute stockinetter until you get to the dividing rib (maybe 4-5sts along the row). Then you can continue on with the pattern.

It looks lovely so far!

This is the back.
Thank you for the detailed reply.
When I have completed the 2 rows, I hope I’ll have more of an idea.
Thanks to you, Kushami and Creation, I am determined to persevere.


We’re here to help. I’m sure we’ll work this out together!

Thank you. Much appreciated.
I’ll keep you updated. :grinning:

Eureka!!! 2 row and 63 stitches!?! :clap:t2::clap:t2:


You are on a roll!