Shape front neck I’m doing the third size, please explain going gaga
next row (rs) K15 [16: 18: 20: 23] and turn, leaving rem
3 [4: 4: 5: 5] sts on a holder (for neckband).
Dec 1 st at neck edge of next 4 rows, then on foll alt row,
then on 1 [1: 2: 2: 3] foll 4th rows. 9 [10: 11: 13: 15] sts.
Shaping neck
Knit across 18sts and turn as you would at the end of a row. Leave the remaining sts on a holder.
Call the row immediately after the turn, row 1. Dec at the neck edge on rows 1,2,3 and 4 then on row 6 (that’s the alternate row) and finally of rows 10 and 14 (those are the 2 following 4th rows).
That’ll be 7sts decreased and leave you with 11sts.