Shaping neck of wrap over cardigan

I have come to the shape neck part of baby’s wrap over cardigan and I really don’t understand what I have to do. The instructions say as follows:
Next 2 rows K1, sl 1, yf, turn, sl 1, k1
Next 2 rows K2, sl 1, yf, turn, s1, k2
Next 2 rows K3, sl 1, yf, turn sl 1, k3
Next 2 rows K2 sl 1, yf, turn sl1, k1

I don’t know what turn means. If I turn my knitting round, it comes out all wrong. Can anyone please advise.

Thank you

Welcome to KH. You’re doing short rows. I know it sounds trite but if you do just what the pattern says it should work out fine.

This video shows garter stitch short rows but it doesn’t show the slipping of the stitch as in your pattern. Personally I think the way it’s done in your pattern works better. The video is to give you an idea of what’s happening.

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Thank you so much for your welcome and for the instructions plus video. I am so grateful. I have literally turned a corner in my knitting. This is the first time I’ve done a wrap over cardigan and I really couldn’t figure it out. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Great to know there is a forum to help and so responsive. I haven’t knitted for a long time, literally decades but now I have my first grandchild, I’m on it again. Once again, thank you for your support.


The instructions do look tricky but as as GrumpyGramma said, if you follow it stitch by stitch it should turn out.
If not, do come back and get more help until you’re successful.
I hope you will share a photo when you’re finished, we love seeing what people have made.

Congratulations on the arrival of your first grandchild, how exciting!
You’ll be knitting everything now!

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We’d love to see your work if you’d care to share a photo or three. I stumbled across Knitting Help when I first started knitting. I got help here and managed to finish the sweater my grandson requested. Short rows are scary until you work through them a few times. You’ve got this.

Thank you. I will a picture if it looks good enough :smiley:

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Don’t be too critical of your work. We tend to see every single tiny problem in anything of our own making. Don’t be afraid of sharing photos, please.

Thank you. That’s true.