Hi Everyone, I’m new to knitting and am unsure as to what to do.
My pattern says: Rib 14, turn. *** Cont on these 14 sts. Dec one st at neck edge in every foll alt row until 11 sts rem. Then I just have to cont rib and then shape shoulder. For this I have to cast of 6 sts at beg of next row. Work 1 row then cast off rem 5 sts.***
I understand all this fine. When I’ve done the shaping for one shoulder, then I have to slip the next 9 stitches onto a stitch-holder. Join yarn to rem sts and rib to end. Rep from *** to ***, working 1 row more before shoulder shaping. My question is: Why do I work 1 more row before shoulder shaping? Doesn’t that mean 1 shoulder will be 1 row more than the other?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Shaping neck and shoulders on front of jumper
You work one more row so that your decreases will be on the same side of the sweater–the right side or wrong side, however it works out for the other side.
One row will NOT make a difference in the end, I promise.
Now it makes sense. I think!! I’ll give it a go and see how it looks.