Shaping Issues

Hello, I need please with a pattern please! I’m working on a cardigan, front left panel.
I’m working the 2nd size.
I’ve worked quite easily till where the pattern says change to 4mm needles and proceed as follows:-
1st to 8th row sets patt

20 STS are left after the first patt
Cont without shaping until armhole measures 6cm
When I try to knit the 1st Row with 20 st though it doesn’t work!

I think I’ve looked at it too long now that I’m going crazy! Hehe! Help, thank you !

Welcome to the forum!
Is the problem that the pattern stitches are no longer aligning? You won’t be able to follow the 8 row pattern precisely as written. The 4 decreases in the rows will have to be taken into account. Either subtract those sts from the row or even better, look at the pattern in previous rows and figure out which stitch to start with in order to maintain the pattern repeats.
The suggestion was recently made here to place a marker at the next repeat and then count back from that in order to figure out which stitch will start the pattern correctly. I name the sts, knits or purls as I do this.
If that’s not the problem, just let us know and we’ll all think again.

Thank you so much for your help, it’s a tricky pattern, looks like I’ll have to get the paper and pen out and start tracking the rows, thanks again :slight_smile:

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