Shaping armholes

Hi all,

I hope you are all having a nice day. I’m working on a gorgeous sweater pattern by Louisa Harding called “Jumana”. I’m a bit perplexed by her instructions for shaping the armhole.

Her armhole instructions are as follows:

Cast off 6 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows and 3 at the beginning of the 2 following rows.

Knit 3, K2tog, k to last 5sts, SSK, K3 (decrease row)

Work 1 row

Decrease 1 stitch as above on next row and 3 on following alternative rows.

She says “decrease 1 stitch as above”, which particular stitch is she referring to? K2tog or SSK? Also would the decrease be 3 stitches?

I’d really appreciate any help deciphering. :sweat_smile:
Actually, she seems to be referring to both. The directions are a bit vague but it probably should be “Decrease 1 stitch as above at each end of the next row and 3 following alternate rows”. That’s using Row 3 as the model for the decreae rows
So if you call the next row, row 1, decrease one stitch at each end on rows 1,3,5 and 7.

That’s interpreting the instructions but checking the stitch counts should verify this.


Another way to try to work out these kinds of instructions is to peer at the pattern photo. Sometimes you can see on the garment how the decreases should be placed, and that can help clarify the instructions.

Of course, often the crucial bit you need to see is covered by the model’s hair, or the garment has been made in a dark colour or photographed on a misty moor …


Oh I see! Thank you so much for getting to the bottom of that. I thought I was doing something wrong. Looks like I’ll be frogging again…